Half Elf

The term half-elf is used to refer to any being of mixed elven ancestry. Typically half-elves are a mix of Human and Elf blood, though not always. The term is not necessarily a reflection of 50-50 bloodlines, and there are some people several generations that still use the term. Typically, once a bloodline no longer carries the markers of both races, they no longer use the term.
Half-Elves grow up in a cultural grey area. The live significantly longer than their human counter parts, but dramatically less than their elven relations. This inequity can make life challenging for half-elves growing up in cultures dominated by either. Many half-elves choose to live in communties with others like themselves or in isolation away from either parent group.
The largest communities of Half-elves are on the continent of Morain.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Half elves reach maturity in their late teens and early 20s, like their Human counterparts. However, they live much longer, often well into their 100s. Some half-elves have lived as long as 150 years.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half Elves use either Human or Elven names.
by Tara O'Neill via neural.love

Fayeth Shandalorn, the librarian for the Daughters of Drugana
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Notable Representatives

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents: