Daughters of Drugana

The Daughters of Drugana are an all-female group of monk fighters who are dedicated to the warrior goddess Drugana.
Any female can ask for the opportunity to join the Daughters, but there are a stringent series of tests and trainings that must be passed before they are offered official membership.
By the 1080s ND, most members are Human. Even so, there is one Gnomish member and several Half Elven members.


Daughters of Drugana are often easily recognized by their dark teal robes and long braided hair. The Daughters almost all have long hair that is worn in braids. The three pieces of the braid represent the core tennents of their training: Focus, Determination, and Will.
As followers of Drugana, the Daughters wear headpieces of topaz and gold to symbolize their faith called a Muraka. The murakas vary widely in style and design.


The training to become a Daughter of Drugana is challenging and strict. Once an applicant joins the path, they must master physical training and strengthen their mind. All elements of training focus around the three main tenents of the organization: Focus, Determination, and Will.
To reach the final test, called the Trials, all four of the Masters must approve the applicant. This must be a unanimous decision. Upon completion of the Trials, newly annointed members of the Daughters begin the next chapter of their life by embarking on the Way of the Open Hand.


Mother Rani

by Tara O'Neill via neural.love
The leader of the Daughters has been Mother Rani Gutan. Originally from outside of Jeorta, she was orphaned when she was 1. Her brother, only a child of 10 at the time, crossed the Goe on foot and brought his baby sister to the Daughter's Hall. She has grown up in the Hall and is widely considered to be the most powerful priestess of Drugana in her generation.
Mother Rani oversees the residents of the Daughter's Hall, and is the leader of the organization. She hands out missions to the Daughters and ensures that things are running smoothly. Her responsibilities as a priestes of Drugana mean that she needs to travel regularly, so when she is gone, command passes to the her second, Numa.

Numa Grezni

by Tara O'Neill via neural.love
As one of the Masters, Numa is responsible for the training of all new recruits that come to the Hall of Daughters. Under her watchful eye, those that seek membership sweat and toil, trying to hone their martial skills. She demands perfection from those under her, which can be frustrating at times. Numa feels very responsible for those that she trains, and takes it very personally if one of her graduates is injured in the field for what she considers "an avoidable incident."
With a gruff and grouchy personality, Numa is not very approachable. She is slow to trust, but her bond with Rani is unshakable. Rani and Numa were often partners on missions when they were young. As they have aged, they climbed the ladder of leadership together. When Numa is in one of her rages, Rani is often the only one who can reach her.

Jonar Rok

by Tara O'Neill via neural.love
Affectionately called Grandmother by the Daughters, Jonar no longer goes out on missions. Semi-retired, she runs most of the academic lessons. In this position, she qualifies as one of the Masters. Jonar specializes in history and philosophy.
In her younger years, Jonar had an on-again off-again relationship with a man who lived in Serross. She never shared his name with her sisters, but it was quite clear that she held much affection for him. There are no rules against Daughters marrying or having families, though it is rare. Her sisters encouraged her to persue a more formal arrangement, but she never did.
Many expected the Goddess to select Jonar as the next Mother of the Daughters, but Jonar made clear that she was not interested in that honor. She claims she was already too old, and that the position required someone with a sound and clear mind. Even so, her wisdom is much relied upon by Mother Rani.

Indira Rashmi

by Tara O'Neill via neural.love
Indira has been the chief medic of the Daughters for more years than she cares to admit. Indira didn't join the organization when she was a young girl, as most do now. After the untimely death of her husband at the hands of a Roc, she gave up her medical practice in Jeorta and came to the Daughter's House, determined to give back to the organization that exacted justice on her behalf.
Indira uses her talent for arcane healing to ensure that when the Daughters come back from missions, they are in top shape to continue their good works. Technically Indira is one of the Masters, though she rarely wields that power one way or another. Now that she is getting up in years, Indira has taken on an apprentice, Lyna, so that there will be someone to continue her work once she is gone.

Fayeth Shandalorn

by Tara O'Neill via neural.love
Fayeth was joined the Daugthers as a young teen. A Half Elf from Serross, she came to the Hall after getting in trouble with the city guard one too many times. Fayeth was hoping that spending some time with the Daughters would leave her better equipped to set out on her own. What she found was a strong and loving community, that didn't care who she was or what she had done before. What mattered was who she was now.
Fayeth was injured on a job in 1082, leaving her blind in one eye. When asked, Fayeth will happily share the story, though the size of the dragon that caused the injury seems to get larger and larger over the years. She rarely goes out in the field now, preferring her role as the keeper of the Daughters' Records. She also enjoys putting new recruits in their place.

Orla Addax

by Tara O'Neill via Neural.love
The first gnome to have joined the Daughters in the last 200 years, Orla feels that she has a lot to prove. She joined the Daughters the moment she was of age. When she was a young girl, a pair of Daughters took a contract to run off a marauding band of Goblins that kept terrorizing the small town she lived in. From the moment she saw them, she knew that was exactly what she wanted to be when she grew up.
All the members of the Daughters have their own skills sets and specialties, but Orla's is especially valuable. She has never met a lock that she couldn't pick, a skill that has helped her sisters get out of tight scraps on more than one occasion. Even though her gnomish stature is small, she can more than keep up with her sisters.

Amrita Starstrider

by Tara O'Neill via neural.love
Amrita is one of the few members of the Daughters with a talent for the arcane. For this reason, she is often sent on delicate missions that require a more secretive approach.  
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While most of the members of the Daughters are completely devoted to the organization, Amrita is also a member of the Bynsha.
  She is currently off continent on a top secret mission for the Mother.

Other Members



The leader of the Daughters is referred to as the "Mother." She is often one of the older daughters, and has a close relationship with the Goddess. When one mother passess on, the Goddess Drugana sends a sign to identify her choice for the role. Sometimes this sign is within moments of a Mother's death, but not always. Records at the in the Daughter's Hall indicate that the longest it has taken was during the year 107 DA, when the Daughters went 187 days without leadership.


Daughters of Drugana are often easily recognized by their dark teal robes and long braided hair.
The Daughters almost all have long hair that is worn in braids. The three pieces of the braid represent the core tennents of their training: Focus, Determination, and Will.

Focus, Determination, and Strength of Will.

Founding Date
212 AE
Religious, Monastic Order

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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