Serross (SERR-ohs)

A beautiful desert sunset is the perfect way to begin festivities at the Oasis city of Serross. It has a strange skyline, unlike any others on the contient of Ven'Goeth. Their homes are not cut into stone like in Jeorta, nor are they wooden like those of the Yulan Hills. Homes and structures here have cacti walls, and the paths are lined with creosote bushes, agave plants, and clusters of date palm trees.
The city has grown around a small freshwater spring, called Chavi. Underneath the sand is a relatively large aquifer that, when properly monitered, can adequately provide for the needs of the city's residents.
Serross is the ancestral homeland of the Serross elves, though few in the community are pure blood Serrossian anymore. The early founders of the city poured their magic into the plants here, creating grand homes in the middle of what many would consider to be a wasteland. According to early records, the cacti here were originally a type of Saguaro, but over the generations they have evolved to be something different, something more. No cutting of a Serrossian Cacti has ever survived outside the borders of the oasis, and it is theorized that the plant has evolved to need the magic of the parched soil to survive.  

City Districts

Temple District


The Inner Wall

The Inner Wall is used to refer to the oldest part of the city. It is the original boundary of Serross, from it's earliest days. The Council Hall Hall is in this district. Many of the oldest Serrosian families live here.  

University District


Nabat Camp

Origianlly, the Nabato traders would camp outside the city to peddle their wares. Then, about 200 years ago, their tent city gradually became a permanent fixture. This is also sometimes called the Merchant District.  

Life District

There are few private residences in the Life District. It is so named because the access to the Chavi is here, and no life in the city could exist without it's live-giving waters. Most of the buildings here are barracks for the Avich and ancillary buildings needed by the organization.  

The Brickyards

While the walls of homes in Serross are built from the living cactus, it is not the only building material used. Sun baked adobe mud bricks are made in large quantities here in the brick yards.  

Potter's Corner

Next to the Brickyards is a much smaller district, affectionately called Potter's Corner. Here master artisans create pottery of all shapes and sizes. From simple pots and bowls, to sturdy cookware, to elegant and beautiful works of art, all of it can be found in the workshops of Potter's Corner.  

The Club District

In the Club District you will find some of the most dynamic elements of night-life, though they do not always stop when dawn comes calling. The best Taverns, night clubs, casinos, and brothels are all found in the Club District. There are several large inns here as well to accomodate out of town visitors who wish to avail themselves of the pleasures Serross has to offer.


While Serross was originally inhabited almost exclusively by Serrossian Elves, it has not been that way in several centuries. Most residents of the city identify as Half Elven, though few are truely "half." Though the term "Serrossian" originally referred to the culture of the Serross Elves, over time it has come to encompass anyone from this city.
by Tara O'Neill

A Serrossian Elf.
by Tara O'Neill

A Serrossian Elf in daytime wear.
by Tara O'Neill

A Half-Elf dressed in the Serrossian style.


The Serross Council is the main governing body of Serross.


The Avich are the city guard of Serross. All citizens of Serross are expected to serve 2 years in the Avich when they come of age, to contribute to the community. The most significant charge of the Avich is to ensure the security of the Chavi spring. They are under the command of the Serross Council.


Water is a precious commodity in the desert, so the water of the Oasis is closely guarded by the Serross Council. There have been a few attempts at sabotage or violent takeovers of control over the Chavi spring, but none have been successful. Water runs through a series of clay pipes, lined with Lanavite. The Council closely monitors water usage, and will cut off the supply to a household that has exceeded their monthly allotment. Most families only need to make that mistake once.


Serross has well-earned its nickname The Oasis that Never Sleeps. Serrossian elves tend to be susceptible to illness and damage when they spend too long in the sun, which led to their society being mostly nocturnal. The non-elven members of the Oasis tend to keep a more typical schedule, with most of their activity during daylight hours. Over the centuries, the two halves of the city have worked in concert, creating a booming social scene at all hours.
Founding Date
590 SP
Alternative Name(s)
Oasis that Never Sleeps
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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