Serross - Spooktober Style

Out of the Spooktober23 prompt "dry," has evolved the civilization of Serross.

The City

Serross is a beautiful city nested deep in the Goe Desert. Founded by an offshoot group of elves, the city was formed to be as integrated into the landscape as possible. Large cactus homes stretch out, giving Serross a unique skyline unlike any other.

The People

The people of Serross have a rich cultural heritage that has evolved over the last several hundred years. Though it started as an Elven society, Serross is now a fully multiracial community, adding to its uniqueness. The Serrossian elves are a mostly nocturnal society, whereas the non-elven residents prefer daylight. The two 'sides' of the city mean there is business around the clock, giving the city the nickname Oasis that never sleeps.
Seross has a deeply collaborative society, with emphasis always placed on the greater good rather than that of the individual. The city is run by the Council, a small group of leaders representing the oldest families in the city.

The Culture

As citizens come of age, they are expected to serve 2 years in the city's defense force, the Avich. The Avich is largely responsible for protection of the Chavi, the freshwater spring that marks easy access to the aquifer below. They are also called upon to defend the city against marauders, bandits, or wild animals. [ br] Elders in Serross tend to hold a lot of power, and it is expected that the young recognize their wisdom. Over the last several centuries, their advice has been captured in several proverbs and myths.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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