
The Serrossian are a race of Elves that adapted to life in the desert. They are a mostly nocturnal society. Many non-elves lived in their city-nation, which led to Serross's nickname Oasis that Never Sleeps.


Common Dress code

Serrossian Elves often wear dark jewel tones and long flowing tunics. It is currently fashionable to wear a collared necklace that matches the tunic or dress.

Daytime Traveling

by Tara O'Neill
Due to their sensitivity to the sunlight, Serrossian elves often wear fully covering clothes, head scarves, masks, and eyewear if they have to go out during the day. Daytime wear often follows the colors of the deserts that they call home.
Over the centuries, Serrossians have experimented with several different technologies as eyewear. The most popular is a special type of arcane lens that captures shadow between two thin pieces of glass.
by Tara O'Neill
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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