
The Shelar Elves claim to be the oldest ethnicity of Elves. Their legends describe their birth from the blood of Corellon Larethian that was shed in his epic battle against the Orc deity Gruumsh.
The ancestral home of the Shelar Elves can be found on the northwestern corner of Morain. While it has long been ruins, the city was once the center of civilization. The ruins of Three Moon University are recognized as the first institution of higher learning on Sylinia, and it was its founding that is the beginning of recorded time. This fact is what leads the Shelar Elves to claim to be the oldest civilization on Sylinia. While that assertion is highly unlikely, they are the oldest continuous organized civilization.


Major language groups and dialects

The most commonly used language amongst the Shelar is Elvish, with Common being a close second.
Many Shelar Elves also learn Mazhi as part of their studies.

Shared customary codes and values

Shelar Elves, probably in part due to their extended history, tend to believe they are greater than or above other species. Many non-Shelar describe their society as arrogant and self-absorbed.
The Shelar are very proud of their long history of higher education, first with the Three Moon University, and then with the Dawn College in the more modern era. Many Shelar decide to extend their education at the College, or persue education elsewhere.
"An elf is only as good as their name and their education."
— A common saying among the elders of Shelar


Beauty Ideals

Prioritizing neither male nor female, Androgynous beauty is the ideal for the Shelar Elves.
by Tara O'Neill
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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