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In the vast majority of cases, drakoryn cannot reproduce. They are sterile. Instead, drakoryn are created through a complex transformation that begins with the selection of a worthy candidate. This individual is often one who has demonstrated exceptional strength, loyalty, or potential in the eyes of a dragon. However, some are chosen with far less discernment, based on whims or immediate needs. Some dragons focus less on the suitability of the individual and more on the potential power to be unleashed.  


The knowledge of creating Drakoryn is closely guarded, known only to the few dragons capable of enacting it and expert scholars of draconic lore. What we do know though, is that powerful, ancient magics are involved.   The site for the transformation is prepared with intricate sigils and runes, drawn from ancient draconic lore. The dragon performing the rite imbues the site with its own essence, this links the dragon's life force with the subject of the ritual acting as the catalyst for the transformation. The candidate must remain at the heart of the ritual site, where the dragon's essence merges with their being. It is a rite of passage that reshapes their being, granting them extraordinary abilities at the cost of immense pain and struggle.  


The transformation into a Dragonborn is fraught with risks, often leading to physical mutations and mental instabilities. These mutations can range from beneficial – like enhanced strength or fiery breath – to debilitating, such as loss of control or disfiguration.   A proper transformation bestows a drakoryn various draconic traits, such as scales, crests, tails, and, in rare instances, wings. The extent of these features varies. Some drakoryn may only have slight scale patterns dotting normal skin, others may develope a full crest of horns and be covered head to toe in dragonic plates. Drakoryn usually gain enhanced physical strength, heightened senses, and an innate connection to magical energies, making them formidable warriors and sorcerers.   This fusion is not merely physical, but spiritual, altering the candidate's very soul. The transformation forges a deep, nigh unbreakable bond between the dragon and the Drakoryn. This connection makes them profoundly loyalty and gives them an intuitive understanding of the dragon's will.  


Following the rite, the newly created drakoryn undergoes a period of adaptation and learning, mastering their newfound abilities and understanding their place in the world. Some drakoryn may need to undergo rigorous training and meditation to maintain their sanity, lest they loose themselves to their creator-dragon's primal instincts. The dragon may even choose to personally mentor certain candidates, though this is rare. Most often, there are drakoryn selected to provide new drakoryn with guidance, teaching them the ways of draconic magic, combat, and wisdom.

Cultural Treatment

Drakoryn hold a unique place in society. Their creation is physical proof of a dragon's interest or intervention in mortal affairs, granting them an aura of awe, fear, and sometimes reverence. While some drakoryn integrate into societies, leveraging their powers for communal protection or leadership, others may face isolation due to fear of their abilities or loyalty to their dragon creators.


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