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Dragons are beings of immense power and ancient lineage. Believed to be descended from the cosmic wyrms, dragons are considered by many to be among the first forms of life to grace T'bet Dal.  

Physical and Mental Growth

Dragons are feared across the realms for their size and immense physical strength. Your average townfolk would imagine a hulking, fire-breathing monster bent on destruction for the sake of destruction. However, not all dragons fit this profile.   See, after years of study, we can confidently say that dragons each have unique evolutionary paths that they can walk down based on their environment and the challenges they face. It's complex, but as a general rule, the more a dragon eats, and the greater physical challenges they overcome, the bigger they get.   But a dragon's mind is as adaptable as its body. Their intelligence grows with age and experience, transitioning from instinct-driven juveniles to wise and cunning elders capable of complex thought and powerful magic.  

Cultural Impact

Throughout T'bet Dal, dragons are woven into the fabric of many cultures. They are revered, feared, and worshipped in equal measure, seen as symbols of power and wisdom. They can be revered as both guardians of nature and harbingers of destruction. Their actions can nurture life or bring about cataclysmic change. Some groups revere dragons as divine beings or powerful rulers.   Numerous organizations have arisen with the primary goal of defending against dragon threats. These range from knightly orders dedicated to protecting the realm, to arcane guilds focused on developing magical defenses against dragonfire and other draconic abilities.  


Major cities across T'bet Dal have incorporated dragon defenses into their architectural and magical planning. Great ballistae and arcane wards are common sights atop city walls.  

Descendants of Wyrms

Dragons share lineage with the Wyrms, those ancient guardians of the cosmic pathways. This heritage imbues dragons with a deep connection to the arcane energies that flow through T'bet Dal and beyond. They often posess magical abilities rarely present in other creatures.   Some theorize that dragons were born from the world's nascent magical forces; that they emerged in an era where the boundaries between the physical and the mystical were blurred, making them beings of both flesh and magic.



While many dragons prefer solitude, others interact with the world's races, sometimes forming bonds with individuals or groups who earn their respect or intrigue. The most powerful dragons possess the ability to transform other humanoids into drakoryn.  


Female dragons possess the unique ability to lay kobold eggs without the need for male dragons. These diminutive, reptilian beings serve as loyal guardians, skilled in trap-making and the maintenance of their creators' lairs. While they may lack the formidable power of their dragon progenitors, kobolds compensate with unmatched cunning and resourcefulness.  


Distant cousins of dragons, wyverns exhibit far more primal behaviors and simpler societal structures. They are smaller, weaker, but faster than dragons. They form hordes for hunting and protection, led by a hordemother and hordefather, and seem to be able to adapt to almost any environment with remarkable speed.


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