East Treinn Geographic Location in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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East Treinn

Although considered by some to be part of Eastern Trienn, specifically the Parchlands, Larendar, due to its significant geological differences and physical separation by the Ílcósrel Sea, is its own region.   -Preface by Chronicler Yinett Durgin
  East Trienn is a region of nearly constant destruction, recovery, and destruction again. It is divided into 5 distinct regions by the four greatest rivers in East Trienn.  


A rugged and mountainous region, the Craghills are home to a hardy and fiercely independent people. The landscape is dominated by rocky peaks, deep valleys, and rushing rivers, and the people who live here are known for their strength and resilience.   The Craghills region is the only one in East Treinn that does not have mutiple powerful claimants. Erynmar dominates the rocky region with rigorous farming techniques and crucial traditions.  

The Steelflow

This river is named for the way it cuts through the rocky terrain, and for its relentless, unpredictable flooding. It separates the Craghills from the Green Country.  

Green Country

The Green Country is a lush and fertile region, dotted with rolling hills, verdant forests, and meandering rivers. The people who live here are farmers, hunters, and artisans, and they are known for their love of the land and their deep respect for the natural world. However, within the dense forests of The Green Country, ancient and powerful magics are known to permeate the wildlife.   The fruitful region is home to the ancient kingdom of Velesir, and the new country of Honrath.  

The Sanguine River

This river is named for the violent conflicts that have taken place along its banks and for the blood that has been shed in the struggle for control over the Green Country on its northern banks and the Central Heartlands on its southern.  

Central Heartlands

The Central Heartlands are a vast and varied region, encompassing everything from bustling cities to sprawling farmlands to dense forests. This is the cultural and economic heart of the Shattered Kingdoms, and the people who live here are known for their diversity and their resilience in the face of constant change.   The territory is split unevenly between Sarunama, Felorin, and New Felorin.  

The Copper Strand

A gentle, navigable river named for the red tint of the dirt on either side of it, and the common trade up and down its stretch. It provides an easy route from the Teeming Seas. This river separates the Central Heartlands from the Withering Lowlands.  

Withering Lowlands

Though the northern portions of the Withering Lowlands do not suffer from much, the further south you go, the more the land earns its namesake. A harsh and unforgiving landscape, the Withering Lowlands is home to only the hardiest of people. From generations of thoughtless overharvesting, the earth is parched and dry, and the air is thick with dust and dirt. Despite these challenges, however, the people who live here are fiercely independent and resourceful.   Two leading governments claim the exhausted land. Kaiserwill, and Tartanlia.  

Prí Brandílmus

Meaning 'River Gate,' the Prí Brandílmus is a shallow, weak river that separates the Withering Lowlands from the more southern Parchlands. Prone to long-lasting, devastating droughts, the Brandílmus is not to be relied upon by the settlers of the area. Still, most cities in the southern Withering Lowlands, and the northern Parchlands are situated along the river for its sporadic life-fueling waters  


The Parchlands are a vast and desolate wasteland, often thought to be home to nomads and outcasts who have been thrown from other regions. The land is unforgiving and harsh, with scorching temperatures and little water. Despite these challenges, however, the people who live here are known for their fierce independence and their deep connection to the land.   Diminiwind and Paero are the only nations willing and capable to call the harsh landscape their home.


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