Larendar Geographic Location in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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(This article is referring to the landmass known as Larendar. For the nation, please see: The Republic of Larendar.)
  Larendar is a large landmass to the south of the continent of Iave. It is bordered on the north by a great canyon and a deep bay. On the southern border lies the Nódlólsó (Warm Wave) Ocean.  



In western Larendar rises short but beautiful yellow peaks known as the Ílcófel Mountains.  

Fresh Water

Larendar does not have many rivers. But the ones that do flow across its landscape are invaluable to the land's inhabitants. The title of 'Most Valuable River' likely belongs to Prí Alientó; it flows south from the Ílcófel Mountains and fills the natural pond (now a man-made lake): Típte Garza. On the shores of this lake lies the nation's capital of Larengó.   From the same mountains flows north the Prí Pemba, or 'Mother River.' This river allows for easy trade between the town of Ílcótaña, situated near the start of the river in the mountains, to Tajenal, the richest city on Larendar. Close by, the Típte Roscelon barely endures the temperatures of the hotter months, sometimes drying up almost completely.   On the other side of Larendar, from Típte Cieló flows east the Prí Sangre into Green Bean Cove. Further down the eastern coast, the city of Rupalagó exists only by the mercy of Típte Credó into which flows Prí Rupal from the west.   And lastly, the small, humble Típte Getin, filled by precipitation alone, allows the citizens of Getindar to narrowly avoid going thirsty.  




Notable fauna of Larendar include Giant Scorpions (and their normal-sized counterparts), asdf


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