Order of Chroniclers Organization in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Order of Chroniclers

This will be my primary vehicle to convey information. History, biographies, beasts, wars, etcetera will be conveyed through the eyes of members of this Order. This will allow me to explain things that the average member of the world would not know, but still limit information to the scope of mortal understanding.


The Order of Chroniclers is an organization of historians, geographers, poets, artists, scientists, mages, and scholars of all types. They are dedicated to preserving the knowledge possessed by the various species of the planet.  

Power Structure

Grand Assembly

To facilitate communication and decision-making on matters that affect the Order as a whole, the Grand Chroniclers from each Library convene in a body known as the Grand Assembly.   The Grand Assembly enables the sharing of best practices, the establishment of standards, and the development of unified strategies to address challenges faced by the Order. It embodies the collective wisdom and aspirations of the Order's leadership, ensuring that decisions are made with broad consensus and shared goals in mind.  

Grand Chronicler

Each Library within the Order of Chroniclers maintains its own Chronicler Assembly. The Assembly elects a Grand Chronicler, the highest-ranking position within a Library, responsible for overseeing its operations and direction. The Grand Chronicler is reelected every six years, ensuring a regular rotation of leadership and the infusion of fresh ideas.  

Chronicler Assembly

At the heart of the Order's governance is the Chronicler Assembly, a body composed of representatives from various ranks within the organization. The Assembly includes three prominent members each from the ranks of Archivists, Field Scribes, and Illuminists (detailed below). These individuals are chosen by their peers in the event of a vacancy.   It is important to note that if a Library does not have enough people to form a full 9-person Chronicler Assembly, they do not get a say in the decisions that the larger libraries make.  

Scholarly Meritocracy

Rather than relying solely on hierarchical positions, influence and authority within the Order are earned through demonstrated expertise, contributions to Order knowledge, and notable achievements in the field of research. Members who have made significant scholarly contributions, regardless of their rank, have more influence and decision-making power. As such, beyond officially appointed positions within the Order, there is a complex and nuanced social chain of command that all novice Chroniclers must learn should they have any hope of climbing the proverbial ladder.  

Notable Locations

Athenaeum of Illuma

The largest of the Chronicler Libraries. Physically and culturally, dominates the city that was built around it. Inhabited mostly by the learned or those wishing to learn, the entire city seems to serve the purposeful study conducted within the library. No place better suited to scholarship exists. Within these walls rests untold history, yet so too lies great peril. Many stories exist about what goes bumping at night along dark corridors between stacks... The artifacts and powerful magics contained within the vaults beneath Illuma are highly sought after by criminals and warmongers. Contestants for the thrones of nearly every country on Iave covet the knowledge locked behind the vaulted doors of the Bastion of Lore.  

Athenaeum of Zenith

The neglected and overlooked sister of the Athenaeum of Illuma. As Port Zenith was being expanded once again, the Order decided that they wanted another library to rival their 'Pinnacle City' of Illuma. With pristine white towers and halls filled to the brim with artifacts and ancient manuscripts, the Athenaeum of Zenith was magnificent. This time as the new gem of the Order was short-lived, however. A ruthless warlord by the name of Kulgaar had gotten wind of the powerful items held in the library's vaults and launched a series of raids and full-on assaults against the poorly trained Chronicler scholars inside. This event directly led to the creation of The Archivist Militant, but the damage was done. Hundreds of artifacts fell into the hands of criminals seeking profit and power rather than scholarship. Now, the beautiful stonework is dotted with watch towers and crumbling statues standing guard over the studies within.    


Shortly after then Antaeran War, a coalition was formed in order to recover the knowledge that was lost in the centuries of Antaeran cultural genocide. At first, this was an independent group, detached from wider society and swearing allegiance to no crown. However, communication and concentration of information soon became an issue.   For a few years, they allied with the young nation of Dusere. Their magical talents were invaluable in the restoration of lost documents. It is in the service of the southern nation that the influence of their militaristic way of life began to leave a lasting impact on the Order. For example, when the Order, even now, send out an expedition, they are given strict rules and led by a Field Scribe Commander.   However, when the strength of the Duseran Crown waned and the Sors Magisterium began to rise, they knew the potential consequences of staying.   The order suffered a schism that left roughly half of the organization in the Library of Vólran, remaining in Dusere. The other half endured a mass exodus and transportation of knowledge west, where they spent the majority of their remaining funds securing passage to the Kingdom of Touhm.   There, the scholars established the Library of Illuma. More accurately, they built the city of Illuma. When they first arrived at the trading post town, it was known as “Ripplebank” and consisted of no more than 250 people. However, the townsfolk were kind and welcomed the caravan of chroniclers, doing their best to accommodate their unusual needs. For a time, ancient artifacts were set alongside hay bales and arcane manuscripts stored in empty pig troughs.   The chroniclers, most of which had soft hands and large chins, found themselves building homes, barns, and, eventually, a library. Far from the magnificent structure that would dominate the city in the decades to come, this building was barely enough to house the academic material they had, let alone what they intended to collect.   Finally, having gained their footing, they sent representatives north to the Touhmish capital city of Aurelia. There, they would beseech the king with evidence of their exploits and, as necessary, give the crown some of their relics as tribute.   Since then, they have grown in importance and even become its own player on the world stage.

Library Autonomy and Varying Rules

While the Order of Chroniclers operates under a common framework, each Library enjoys a notable degree of autonomy in establishing its own rules and practices. Some Libraries adopt a more secretive approach, safeguarding their knowledge and sharing it exclusively with trusted members of the Order. Others actively pursue public education, seeking to disseminate discoveries and insights to a broader audience.



The title given to individuals upon joining the Order. Becoming a Chronicler requires a rigorous selection process, ensuring that those who bear the title are knowledgeable and dedicated to the pursuit of understanding. All Chroniclers are respected members of the Order and are responsible for various tasks, such as research, documentation, and assistance to higher-ranking members.   Three additional ranks can be earned through further specialized training.  


An Archivist is a specialized role within the Order. They are entrusted with the task of caring for, analyzing, copying, and organizing the knowledge and artifacts collected by the Order. Archivists possess deep expertise in cataloging and preserving ancient texts, artifacts, and other historical materials. They ensure that the information is properly archived, accessible, and protected.   The Archivist Militant: In addition to dusting off old books, Archivists may be called to protect them. As such, all Archivists are given training in physical, mental, and arcane combat tactics. Though rarely forced into action, The Archivist Militant can be assembled and fully equipped to defend a Library within hours.  

Field Scribe

Field Scribes are Chroniclers who are dispatched into the world to gather firsthand information and new knowledge. They travel to distant lands, explore ancient ruins, interview experts, and observe significant events, documenting their findings and experiences. Field Scribes play a vital role in expanding the Order's understanding of the world and uncovering hidden truths. They are skilled in research, observation, and maintaining accurate records of their expeditions.   Field Scribe Commander: For more consequential expeditions, especially involving a significant investment of Order resources, a Field Scribe Commander may be appointed. They are responsible for coordinating and organizing field missions, selecting destinations, and assigning tasks to Field Scribes. Therefore, they must possess a wealth of knowledge about exploration, fieldwork, and the skills necessary for venturing into unknown territories.  


Illuminists are distinguished members of the Order who possess advanced knowledge in specific fields and have demonstrated exceptional intellect and insight. They specialize in making new deductions, analyzing collected information, and drawing innovative conclusions. Illuminists contribute to the Order's understanding of various subjects, uncovering connections between different aspects of the lore and pushing the boundaries of knowledge.   Illuminist Sage: Although seldom seen outside of The Kingdom of Touhm, certain Illuminists are permitted to teach the public about Order discoveries. They are known as Illuminist Sages, and it is seen as an incredible honor to be regarded as wise and knowledgeable enough in a particular subject to then teach others about it.


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