Touhm Organization in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Even if you choose not to fear their armies, you best fear their mercenaries.   -Veteran of the Antaeran War
  On the surface, the Touhmish lands may seem like an idyllic paradise, and for some, the rolling hills, river valleys, and forests are just that. However, entities that thrive on corpulent populations are slowly gaining influence, using peasantry and nobility alike to achieve their unknown aims. Still, the nation of Touhm is a significant player on the world stage, not because of its soldiers or magical prowess but for its vast wealth.  


Touhm is a hereditary monarchy. The previous ruler, Queen Lirien Alexod, was a woman of common intellect but exceptional wisdom. She ruled the land since before she reached womanhood and successfully kept Touhm from squandering its relationship with its allies during the Trying Times. However, her son, the current ruler of house Alexod, King Tristain, is largely indifferent to the plights of his people.   The real leadership of the country now lies in the various Custodians he (or his predecessors) appointed to their positions. These powerful caretakers vary in attitude greatly. Darian Píngrí, the Custodian of Agriculture and an immigrant from Dusere, takes his job very seriously. A single miscalculation on his part may end up starving entire towns. On the other hand, the Custodian of Law, Selena Windmere, ironically, is lenient on crime to an increasingly suspect degree.   In addition, complacency and lack of ambition on the crown's part has given rise to influential mercantile organizations with far more control than they were allowed in the past. Entire towns can be built in service to a single guild or trade family, with citizens living and dying in the name of coin that doesn't belong to them.   So long as they pay their tithes, King Alexod has turned a blind eye to their activities. He seems content to allow the ongoing guild wars to continue, despite the damage they have wrought on the already unstable The Shattered Kingdoms.  

Settlement Leadership

Villages - Populations between 10-1,000

Liable to have more unique forms of self-government because they tend to be beneath the notice of the crown.  

Towns - Populations between 1,000-10,000

Led by nobility. These are led by "lords," usually from the founding or most powerful family in the town.  

Cities - Populations between 10,000-30,000

Led by crown-appointed nobility. This member of the nobility is known as a “High Lord.” They are often trained to lead, rule, and manage the day-to-day activities of these large settlements from birth, usually by the current high lord, and usually from the same family.   Settlements with populations above 30,000 can be led by far more unique means due to the challenges of governing large cities.  


The criminal underbelly of Touhm flourishes due to the negligence of both the crown and local leaders. Gambling and prostitution are technically illegal, but their existence is often discreetly ignored so long as they further elevate the Touhmish economy. In fact, these groups were instrumental in keeping the country from falling into ruin during the Trying Times.   Smuggling and thievery are common, but criminals tend to stay away from wronging the crown or particularly powerful guilds to avoid drawing their suppressed ire. Murder and assault are comparatively less common due to those crimes being some of the few that have strict, heightened punishments.  


Touhm boasts a respectably sized army, but their training and discipline are heavily lacking when compared to other nations; most soldiers are trained for skirmishes and defending against raids from fortified positions rather than warfare.   However, Touhm rarely gets into conflicts where military deployment is necessary simply because most nations would benefit far more from a peaceful relationship with the economic behemoth rather than a confrontational one.   That said, during times of war and unrest, the crown will sink exorbitant amounts of gold into hiring the enemy's own soldiers to their side. When that doesn't work, they contract mercenary groups from The Shattered Kingdoms. Namely, Biardast is frequently employed to sow fear and discord amongst enemy forces.  

International Relationships

Protectorate of Antaer

Touhm and Antaer share a bloody past. The former is regularly credited with being the finger on the scales that tipped the Antaeran War in the favor of the rebellion. However, over the course of the half-millennia since the war, Touhm and its people have largely forgotten the scars of the many battles. Now, in fact, the two are staunch, powerful allies.  

Uksar Triarchy

The governments of Touhm and Uksar are largely friendly with each other. Disagreements occur over trade laws and minor territorial disputes.   During the Trying Times, this peaceful bickering approached the verge of all-out war, but Queen Lirien Alexod was able to salvage relations and arrange treaties of mutual support, preserving the age-old friendship.  

New Dominion of Dusere

Touhm and Dusere have had a tense relationship since the southern nation began stretching forth their hand of conquest. The New Dominion is Touhm’s biggest competitor for power amongst the Shattered Kingdoms.  

The Shattered Kingdoms

The Touhmish Crown acknowledges few of East Trienn’s nations as legitimate: Erynmar, Velesir, and New Felorin. The other nations are known as Rogue Regimes, and the crown allows the guilds to run rampant in their territory.   Larendar in particular is a sore spot for Touhm, as they have refused to allow the crown any foothold in the southernmost region of Iave, thus blocking them from most of the Nodlolso Ocean.  


Many Touhmish guilds are more powerful than nations.  

Order of Chroniclers

Though technically an international organization, the Order of Chroniclers has its headquarters based in the Touhmish city of Illuma.  

The Touhmish Cornucopia

A guild of farmers and ranchers who supply Touhm, and other nations, with the bulk of the food. They are largely responsible for the distribution and sale of agricultural products in local and foreign markets.  

Artisan's Conclave

Although they are not generally as talented as those from the higher echelons of the Uksar Triarchy, these blacksmiths, carpenters, weavers, and potters, are still highly sought after by nobles and citizens for their quality craftsmanship. They also run many schools which are responsible for the training and apprenticeship of new craftsmen.  

Hrúmaîan Envy

Although there are countless trade guilds amongst the cities of Touhm, Hrúmaîan Envy is among the oldest and most respected. This guild consists of merchants and traders who work together to import and export goods within and outside of Touhm. They have also become household names thanks to their many festive trade fairs and organized markets.  

The Broken Wheel

The largest and most prominent of the less-than-legal guilds is known as The Broken Wheel. The group is made up of many different types of individuals, including those who own businesses and those who work in them. The clandestine company runs almost every aspect of the wider black market, even having multiple bases of operation brazenly placed in the capital city of Aurelia.  


Most of the Prime Hieron is worshiped across the realm. Due to the Touhmish crown's strict stance on religious freedom, churches and temples devoted to local and exotic idols are commonplace in cities and towns alike. In fact, some entire settlements may be dedicated to or named after deities. This has led to the growing worship of beings outside of the traditional pantheon. There are even whispered rumors of 'devils' masquerading as divine prophets in order to gain influence.  

Myths, Folklore, & Legends

Touhm was the first nation to 'put their money where their mouth was' during The Antaeran War. As such, national pride is strong, and the legends surrounding the event are told to children across the land to foster that patriotism.  


The economy of the kingdom is fueled by virtually everything you can think of. From metals and lumber to fish and grain, the landscape of Middle Hrúmaî is brimming with potent resources and teeming with merchants hungry for a taste of the exalted Touhmish fortune. With the Uksar Triarchy, whose citizens specialize in craftsmanship, to the north and the New Dominion of Dusere to the south, whose mages specialize in magical exports, trade is thriving.  


Flora & Fauna

Middle Hrúmaî has been settled for hundreds of years, and has undergone a significant transformation in terms of its wildlife. Once a dense and dangerous place, the inhabitants of Touhm have worked tirelessly to rid the land of many of its most dangerous creatures.   As a result, the fauna of Touhm is now mostly comprised of peaceful and gentle animals. The forests are home to majestic deer, playful squirrels and rabbits, while flocks of plump birds can be seen flying overhead. In the fields and meadows, one can find grazing sheep, cows and horses.   The rivers and streams of the land are home to an abundance of fish, including trout and salmon, and the coastlines are home to a variety of marine life, such as dolphins and whales. The nation also has a diverse array of insects, such as butterflies and fireflies, which are a common sight during the warmer months of the year.   Despite the peaceful nature of the fauna, there are still some... more aggressive creatures that can be found in the more remote regions of Touhm. These include elusive wolves, bears, and even giant avians. These animals are generally not seen as a threat to the inhabitants of Touhm and are respected (from a safe distance) for the role they play in maintaining the balance of nature.   However, the closer you get to the larger Touhmish cities, the more devastated the biodiversity becomes. Large swaths of the countryside have been cleared for farmland, and countless trees have been felled for the timber industry. Many animals have lost their homes, resulting in the more feral of them being forced to prey upon domesticated livestock and even people.  


The coastal region of Touhm has a mild climate. The citizens of the area enjoy moderate temperatures and high humidity. Meanwhile, the more mountainous lands on the borders have colder temperatures and heavy to light snowfall in the winter. The many river valleys that sprawl across Touhm tend to have moderate climates, with mild winters and warm summers. These lands are perfect for agriculture. The bastions of wilderness, the massive forests of Touhm, have temperate climates consisting of moderate temperatures and high rainfall, ideal for supporting high biodiversity.  

Geography and Resources

Touhm's abundant resources include fertile farmlands, mineral-rich mountains, vast forests, strategic trade positions, and a wealth of cultural and intellectual assets. With fertile plains yielding abundant crops, mineral wealth from the Zoroght Mountains, timber from the lush forests of Tousia and Daten, coastal advantages for maritime trade along the Sea of Maruvia and Crestfall Sea, and a thriving cultural scene, the vast nation of Touhm is free from many natural afflictions that other nations regularly face.  


Modern Touhmish culture values wealth and status above family names, so noble families do not have the same sway they once had. On one side of the coin, this theoretically allows normal citizens to rise in status above what they ever could before. On the flip side, nobles that are good with money hold far more power than they were meant to.  


Touhm covers a vast swathe of land populated by numerous smaller civilizations who have been assimilated under the Touhmish crown. As such, humanity does not account for the vast majority of the population as with many other places. Dwarves from the Zoroght Mountains occasionally leave their alpine homes in favor of the fertile hills dotting the Touhmish border. In addition, elves from all across Iave immigrate to Touhm for their comparatively favorable public opinion of elves thanks to Uksar in the North.  


The Kingdom of Touhm maintains a population of around 186,744,000; 47% Humans, 23% Dwaves, 12% Halflings, 7% elves, 11% other species.  


Isolated from larger population centers live around 3,734,880 people. The vast majority of people, about 166,202,160, make countless smaller villages their homes. Around 11,204,640 people make their homes in towns, while 4,668,600 do so in much larger cities. However, in the largest cities, of which there are five, 933,720 people carve out their existence.  


Touhm is separated into seven distinct regions, each controlled by a different Provincial Court. Crownridge, Picidavale, Eldor, Riversong, Lyrinthal, Marinell, and Zenith.   Please see Regions of Touhm for more information.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Touhm
Controlled Territories


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