Regions of Touhm in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Regions of Touhm

Touhm is separated into seven distinct regions, each controlled by a different Provincial Court. Crownridge, Picidavale, Eldor, Riversong, Lyrinthal, Marinell, and Zenith.  


As the home of the capital city and the royal family, Crownridge exudes political power. Crownridge boasts the largest lake in Touhm, said to be blessed by the deity Amanzi.  

House Bronzlaw

“The unwavering shield of Crownridge.” Duke Garran Bronzlaw leads House Bronzlaw with staunch loyalty and an iron will. Revered for their honor and service, they balance tradition with a steadfast commitment to the security of the realm.  


Dominated by the Forest of Daten, Picidavale is a province shrouded in superstition. Once feared for its powerful magic, the forest has now lost much of its enchantment, yet its reputation lingers, influencing the local population's cautious behavior. The shipbuilding industry thrives in Picidavale, fueled by the timber of the forest, despite its dark legends. Situated along the Sea of Maruvia, Picidavale also benefits from international trade and is known for its skilled sailors who navigate the coastal waters.  

House Picidavale

Commanding the seas and the dark forests that share their name, House Picidavale carefully navigates the murky waters of both politics and trade. The oldest noble house in Touhm is headed by Duchess Cintia Picidavale.  


A desirable place to live, Eldor attracts the ambitious and the noble elite. Bordering Crownridge to the north, this province offers a combination of natural beauty and access to valuable resources. The tamed Lynwood against the Zoroght Mountains provides a tranquil backdrop, while the fertile plains support thriving farming communities. Eldor is what outsiders imagine Touhm to be and serves as a symbol of prosperity to the nation's people.  

House Boasian

In the lush vineyards of Eldor, House Boasian cultivates not just the finest wines but also a legacy of stringent tradition and aristocratic dignity, led by the uncompromising Duke Ermund Boasian. Despite their cold exterior, the Boasians' strategic marriages and alliances have rooted them deeply in the province's prosperity.  


Known as the breadbasket of Touhm, Riversong is characterized by vast fields and fertile soil. Its people have a deep connection to the rivers that flow through the region, utilizing them for transportation and cultivating a strong sense of community among the riverside cities. The province is a vital contributor to the nation's food supply and economy. The Scholar City of Illuma stands as the headquarters of the Order of Chroniclers, and houses renowned universities and libraries that attract intellectuals from far and wide.  

House Ickland

Duchess Bara Ickland ensures Riversong remains Touhm's bountiful heartland. Yet, beneath their generous facade lies a simmering resentment toward the crown, fueled by a belief in their rightful place at the helm of Touhm.  


Lyrinthal boasts the majority of the untamed Tousian Forest. The residents have developed a unique harmony with the wilderness, revering the deadly wildlife that roams their lands. Bordered by the Zoroght Mountains to the south, Lyrinthal offers a gateway to the wild, attracting hunters, adventurers, and druids.  

House Karamov

In the ‘the last wilds of Touhm,’ House Karamov reigns supreme through rugged valor. Duke Viktor Karamov seems to command respect from all but the deadliest creatures.  


Once maintained by a series of thriving port cities, Marinell has faced a decline in recent years. Nevertheless, its coastal towns still possess a quaint charm, and the province is characterized by its access to the Tagarton Gulf and the Crestfall Sea.  

House Oreliness

House Oreliness, once celebrated for their naval prowess, now languishes under the iron-fisted rule of Lady Irene Oreliness. Known for her ruthless governance and sharp temper, Irene's leadership has seen Marinell's prosperity wane, with its ports quiet and its people disillusioned. The public remains unaware of the dark betrayal that brought her to power, but they cannot ignore the stark decline of their once-thriving province.  


The smallest yet most economically powerful province, Zenith stands as the unofficial crown jewel of Touhm. Home to Port Zenith, the largest city on the continent of Iave, this province boasts unparalleled urban grandeur. Its wealth has led to simmering social tensions, but Zenith remains a beacon of commerce, culture, and progress. The province almost became independent a few decades ago thanks it its ludicrous affluence, but remained a part of Touhm for protection against other nations, who would gladly take the city.  

House Miragall

Presiding over the opulent urban sprawl of the province is Duchess Livia Miragall of House Miragall. At least that’s what she would tell you. Even the lowliest peasant can see that their power wanes before the guilds of Port Zenith.


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