Serpent's Sway Geographic Location in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Serpent's Sway

To reach the southern reaches of your world, sailors must navigate the Serpent's Sway, named for the frequent twists and turns required to maneuver through its waters. The sea is known for its serpentine-like shape, marked by winding channels and narrow straits. The Serpent's Sway lies between the Silver Straight a pass known for its treacherous currents and rocky shoals, and the Crestfall Sea, making it a sort of "eye of the storm" amidst two dangerous bodies of water.  
It may be pertinent to note that some scholars ignore the existence of the "Serpent's Sway." Instead, many of my colleagues refer to it as part of the Silver Straight. However, from these comments, it is clear they have never actually sailed the infamous stretch of water.   -Addendum by Chronicler Choatea 


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