The Great Hrúmaîan Realms in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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The Great Hrúmaîan Realms

The Triarchy of Uksar

Situated in Northern Hrúmaî, Uksarian society is a complex blend of elvish, human, and dwarvish cultures. It stands as a testament to the power of unity overcoming ancient grudges. Governed by the distinctive Triarchy, Uksar thrives on its rich economy fueled by a culture of craftmanship. Much of Uksar's landscape has been shaped by centuries of settlement, yet borders an untamed wilderness full of lurking dangers.  

The Kingdom of Touhm

Touhm is a nation of apparent idyllic landscapes spreading across Middle Hrúmaî, yet under this veneer of paradise, roil unprecedented power struggles. Though absolute power rests in the hands of the hereditary monarchy helmed by House Alexod, the responsibility of the realm lies with the Custodians. The nation's economic prowess is driven by guilds and trade families that threaten to overtake the crown itself in power. In addition, the kingdom faces challenges with its criminal underworld, and foreign powers jealous its thriving economy.  

The New Dominion of Dusere

The Duseran Crown is "secretly" ruled by the Sors Magisterium, a council of powerful human wizards. This unofficial magocracy upholds human supremacy and employs memory-altering magic for criminal punishment. Southern Hrúmaî is a challenging landscape, featuring magical forests, brackish swamps, and a hot savannah. The economy hinges on magical expertise and precisely controlled trade. With a long, arduous history of sacrifice and resilience against foreign invasion, Dusere's culture can be feircely xenophobic and proud, especially amidst times of war.


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