The Tearing in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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The Tearing

Destruction of the Altether

The Tearing was a cosmic rupture, a violent tearing apart of the Altether – the once-stable bridge connecting T'bet Dal to other worlds, planes, and realities. The cause of this calamity was the dark god, Aliakar, whose motives and true nature remain shrouded in mystery.   The immediate aftermath of The Tearing was a period of turmoil and confusion. The stable pathways of the Altether were disrupted, leading to the emergence of the Twisted Gate and the subsequent arrival of aberrations – beings warped and corrupted by the now-defiled Altether possessed by Aliakar.  


Scholars and arcanists have spent centuries studying The Tearing, piecing together its causes and effects. The influx of aberrations and other anomalies have warped some ecosystems and societies of T'bet Dal. Entire regions were transformed, some becoming inhospitable wastelands.   The Tearing entered the folklore and collective memory of T'bet Dal's inhabitants. The history before this event is shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, so it serves as a traumatic ‘starting point’ of recorded history.


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