Bronzebark Organization in T'sara | World Anvil


The largest and oldest kingdom of Elves, the land simply known as Bronzebark holds some of the oldest and vast records in T'sara. Much of the reputation of elves being cold, elitist, and snobbish, comes from interactions with Bronzebark Elves, who seem to have nominated themselves stewards and judges of all.


Bronzebark is a hereditary monarchy, with the current lord, King Yalph, having ruled for several centuries. With his only his daughter Stravaria missing for years and with him getting on in years, a sudden end in the King's life could create a crisis in the line of succession, as the royal line has been intact since early in the Second Age. Yalph is currently in good health, but those close to the throne, and those with ambitions of it, are concerned of next steps.

Although Yalph rules with a calm and even hand, he is still an absolute monarch. Regional ministers come to the capital of Traity to advise and make requests of the King, but his decision is complete and final. Keenly aware of the repercussions of his decisions, he has surrounded himself a large cabinet of bureacrats and advisors to manage the nation properly.


Bronzebark Elves tend to look at the world around them as being rash, uncultured, and debased. There's been an overwhelming propensity for war and conflict, especially among it's closest neighbors. The other races act too impuslively and too emotionally, and if they possessed the penchant for long term plans that Bronzebark had, world events would be far different.

Public Agenda

Bronzebark is predominantly interested in the preservation of society. This includes preservation of art and literature.

Demography and Population

Bronzebark is almost exclusively elvish in its population. Small amounts of human and Halflings take up residence to learn or study from the vast libraries.

Foreign Relations

The Dual Khanate of Hlysa is often considered as quaint and eccentric for their attempt at sharing power. The cooperation they have between elves and humans is respected, but the King and most leaders believe they are protected by obscurity and distance: they would be unable to handle a true threat.

Of all the positive relations, the ties to Linthalia remain the most complicated. The Maiden Queen's openly hedonistic and perverse culture goes against Bronzebark morality and understanding of culture. Be that as it may, the country is too large, too wealthy, and too strategically well placed to ignore. That the Elves of Bronzebark consume Maiden Tea, just as the rest of the world does, may tell something of the hollow facade of their claims of a moral superiority.   Khartoum remains a peaceful but distant relation. Although most of the humans don't recall the short lived conflict between them, it is still within living memory of the elves. A tightly held agreement between the two countries regarding export of wood has allowed that a conflict does not rise again.

Regarding The Intransican Empire, King Yalph and the Bronzebark elves have taken the long game. While publicly playing along with claims that the Immortal Emporer has ascended into Godhood, they privately dismiss the claims as lies, and forecast that this supposedly unstoppable empire of man is in fact doomed and will implode, sooner or later.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Bronzebark issues gold coins as its currency, and are not above melting down currencies of other kingdoms to issue their own.
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Species