
Capital city of Linthalia, and home of the hedonistic Maiden Queen, Freeport's unique position in the world has made it one of the most trafficked cities in the world. The exotic goods moving in and out have made it a trader's paradise, which in turn has brought about a number of other trades as well. It has long been the policy of the Crown that any form of profit, legitimately earned, is good profit. As a result, services like prostitution are not only legal, but openly advertised.


Freeport's resident population is primarily human. Pockets of other species and cultures have made their homes here as well, either as traders or those in support of the maritime industries.


Freeport's primary defense is through the Maiden Queens Navy. Some of the most valuable goods in the world come in and out of here, and so ships are constant patrol for pirates, or invaders. Forts with Naval batteries also provide suitable protection.   within the city itself, there is an extensive force of the Queens Guard and the Queens Army present. The distinction between the two can often be lost for outsiders, but both are present to ensure peace and order is maintained, and all laws, particularly tariffs, are honored.   Inebriated folk tend to get disorderly quickly, and the high presence of Sailors from around the world trying to enjoy their leave at the same time has ensured that the areas near the docks are the most well patrolled.

Industry & Trade

It is effectively impossible for ships from either the western Continent of Khilgara or the Eastern Continent of Tillanong to reach each other directly. This places Linthalia in an ideal position for trade between the two. Freeport, being the Southern tip of the country, makes it an ideal for ships from either to converge. As a result, it's primary means of trade and revenue is through the exchange of goods, as well as through supporting the ships and Sailors in port.   Freeport is also the preeminent city for the export of Maiden Tea, a herb found only in Linthalia that acts as one of the few contraceptives in the world. This allows sailors and locals alike to engage in sex without fear or repercussion.


Freeport was the first settlement of Linthalia, though like most nations, how it came about is often lost to time and the Fey Crisis.   Some believe that Freeport actually started from a shipwreck of an early exploration of the world after the Sundering, and a few nations claim to be the ancestral roots, although none have successfully convinced others.

The family line of Maiden Queen's insist that they have always been here in Freeport, that it has existed as early as the Usurpation. According to the accords of the Royal historian Brugha, Freeport became the capital by being an easy point of reference in the chaotic times following the Sundering. coastal cities explored to discover what else was out there in this new world, and Freeport was simply the point that others gravitated by nature of it's location. Over time, people began to pool to the area as it seemed a practical and safe location, until it became the nation of Linthalia as it's understood today.


Freeport is probably the largest point of Sex Tourism in the world, although few make the journey across the ocean solely for that purpose. When one is done visiting brothels and the countless markets, there are also a number of more subdued pleasures to pursue. There's a healthy culture of brewers in the city, finding new recipes and styles with foreign ingredients, along with strong meads made from local honey. There is also a vibrant culture here as well for those trying to keep away from the debauched, including theatre companies, a sizable archival library, and some private galleries of art.
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