Hell Dorado

Hell Dorado is an exclusively Tiefling farming settlement in Linthalian territory. It is one of the few such places in the world, and according to it’s inhabitants, the only one in all of T’sara to have the official backing and support of the government: The Maiden Queen of Linthalia.


Hell Dorado has remained a purely Tiefling settlement, largely by distance from others. Visitors, mostly human, come to visit and trade and are fully welcome, but Pelips is comitted to keeping Hell Dorado a Tiefling town.

Industry & Trade

Hell Dorado, like most of the Linthalia, is blessed with fertile soil. Curiously, Daili made a point to refuse any notion of growing Linthalia’s most important crop; Maiden Tea. Every facet of that crop is controlled by the Crown, from planting to the final point of sale, and Daili thought that removing that bureaucratic presence would help make the settlement feel more safe, and allow his fellow Linthalian Tieflings to develop their own identity and culture.   Through irrigation of the nearby river, the Hell Doradans have managed successful crops of corn and other stable goods. Their true niche is in animal husbandry. The extensive grassland has allowed imported D’arcani cattle to be raised here. Beef is a rare good for commercial tade, so these Cowboys From Hell working to handle and sell them are hoping for a prosperous return. Should the venture be successful, it will help bring in a needed infusion of currency to support and improve Hell Dorado.


Linthalia’s national defense has primarily been through forward projection via the Sovereigns Of The Sea and the rest of it’s naval force. They were less reliant on their army, which meant that Linthalia was even less prepared to contend with the demonic onslaught of The Triumverate War than most other nations. As a result, “the unspeakable” was inflicted at a greater number, and with Linthalia being the most populous nation in the world, the unfortunate result was a higher number of demonblooded children, the Tieflings.   Linthalia struggled how to address “The Tiefling Problem” as all parts of the world did, and was in a rare position where the head of state was ahead of their people on the matter. The Maiden Queen made a wide and proclamation be known through all of her country, that all Tieflings born in Linthalia were still Linthalians by blood and still citizens as such, and that they enjoyed all of the same legal rights and protections. The murder of Linthalian Tieflings, especially children, would not only be tolerated, but be tantamount to treason. As a result, even though the people of Linthalia have not been without prejudice, or Tieflings been spared from discrimination, the land has still been regarded as a comparatively safe place.   It wasn’t until the third generation of Tieflings before Hell Dorado was founded. Urban Tieflings, more prone to having to deal with the hostility of foreigners, were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with circumstances, and saw that there was no real way that the situation could change, not when it would interfere with the passage of foreign wealth into Linthalian hands through trade. Daili Pelips, a wealthy trader with a gregarious spirit and generous soul, decided to do something about it. Showing a macabre sense of humor, he created the Hell Dorado movement, volunteering to sell all of his assets and contribute all of his wealth to create a permanent home for Tieflings, and encouraging those with means to do the same in order to support those without to relocate to a new settlement. With land legally acquired and intentions filed with the Royal government in Freeport and the provincial Govenor, the new settlement was quickly recognized as an official township of the Linthalian Crown. Daili’s work of spreading the news was exceptional and through the nature of global trade, word of mouth of Hell Dorado spread far beyond the borders of the country.
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