Blight slime mucus

What are its properties?

It is a sticky, smelly, black slime. Nobody knows its taste because nobody could bring themselves to eat it. It is heavier than it looks. Probably, it retains something from the blight rot that the blight slimes eat and exume as the mucus. Mixing it with some water and fresh mucus can revitalize the dried slime if it dries out.

What are its effects?

This is the only material that is resistant to the blight rot. Unfortunately, it is not enough to stop or turn back the spread of the blight, but it gives almost complete protection against it. Of course, nothing is perfect, and even this mucus is destroyed by the blight after a while. If someone wants to spend considerable time within the blight rot, they must bring spare mucus to smear on their body. The frequency of applying the mucus on the body depends on how deep the person is in the blight rot. Closer to the center requires more frequent smearing because the blight rot is deadlier closer to the center.

How can it be used?

As I mentioned, you can smear it on the body. That may be the most effective way of protecting against the blight. Clothes, for example, a cloak can be dipped into the mucus and worn. However, this method can be dangerous because the body must be covered completely. The blight rot can attack a body through the smallest of gaps. There is a purified, concentrated version of the mucus, too. This is used to treat patients who are already contaminated with the blight. With the help of the alchemical injector, the concentrated mucus is applied under the skin where the infection spreads in the body, and this treatment can slow the spread or completely cure it. It can also protect anything, such as equipment that can't be dipped into the mucus. There are specialized containers with two or multiple walls, and between the walls, there are layers of slime. This way, anything inside the container is completely protected from the blight rot.
The alchemical injector is an ingenious invention. It saved a lot of lives over the years
— Gol, hobgoblin mender


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