Blight rot

Where can you find it?

By far, the most extensive contamination of the blight is in the Glade of Decay within the bugbear forest on the continent Muaclun. Smaller patches can be found elsewhere, but the blight of the glade dwarfs their combined size. A small team of Blightwardens tries to discover all the places where the blight is present to map them and make it safer for unsuspecting adventurers.

The effects of the blight rot

You are more or less okay until you have nausea, vomiting, headache, or fatigue. When you start to have a fever and lose your hair, you had better visit a mender if you value your life. But when your skin starts to peel, it feels like it is burning, and your bones are aching like a huge weight is on them all the time; you won't survive long.

How does it spread?

Fortunately, it spreads slowly, but it is unstoppable. The contamination spreads from the central source. This source, based on its size, taints a smaller or more significant part of its surroundings. Then, these tainted parts pollute the area around them while they continue to receive the blight from the central source. Its effect is similar to moving a stick up and down in the water, continuously creating ever-spreading ripples.
Because of this, if someone is highly tainted by the blight, it is possible for them to contaminate other people.

Who can be infected?

The blight is extreme, and it can infect everybody and everything. Blightwardens see blight slimes continuously eating the blight from rocks. It doesn't matter how weak or strong someone's body is. A strong body only helps with the symptoms but doesn't stop the blight.

How can you fight against the blight rot?

There is the blight slime that eats, absorbs the rot and it secretes a mucus that can be gathered and used against the blight. This mucus can be applied to the body or onto something that will be worn, like a cloak, and it stops the blight. If someone is already contaminated, a concentrated, purified dose of mucus can be applied under the skin with an alchemical injector. This concentrated version of the slime has the chance to cure the rot, but the least, it can stop its spread in the body.
Thank the Savior Gods we have a blight slime because nobody knows how else we can combat the taint of the blight rot
— Gol, hobgoblin mender


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