Blight slime

Where do they live?

They only live in the Glade of Decay, part of the bugbear forests within the Muaclun continent. Their particular diet ultimately hinders them from living anywhere else. Their numbers multiplied over the centuries because of the abundant blight rot in the glade.

Who do they look?

They look like a moving, slimy oil slick. Their color is almost entirely black, except for green, magenta, and dark blue traces that appear when they feed. Their average height is around 10-15 centimeters, but when they feed, portions of their body bulge when they consume the blight. The effect is similar to blowing bubbles in water. Like their numbers, their average size has grown too during the centuries because, unfortunately, they can eat plenty of blight rot.

What is their eating habit?

They don't eat anything else, just the blight rot. Even if they climb on someone, they don't want to eat it. It only means that the person or animal is infected and wants to eat the blight on their bodies.

How do they reproduce?

They reproduce by schizogenesis. This can happen in two ways. When they continuously eat small amounts of blight, they grow until their body can't hold the mass together and divide. The other way is that when the blight slime devours a massive amount of blight, its metabolism is overloaded and explodes into many tiny blight slimes. In this process, some of the smallest blight slimes die, but the rest immediately starts to eat.

How does their metabolism work?

Their metabolism is relatively simple. They eat the blight. They siphon it from anything and everything, use the energy in the blight to grow, and exude a thick, slimy, smelly coating on their bodies as a byproduct. This mucus is entirely blight-free and is the most essential material in the fight against blight rot. This mucus is collected by the Blightwardens and used in a few ways to protect or save everyone somehow affected by the blight rot.
It is a strange creature but similar to some of our medusas. Maybe the medusas are good for something too?
— Vruhb, calamor wanderer


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