The Wicked Splinter

The inn is a two-story half-timbered building, with a small fenced yard and unusually high ceilings. Accommodations consist of several small rooms with wooden cots and several hammocks in the common room. The inn is unusually noisy, with several wizards showing off cantrips and pyrotechnics.   Menu
  • Stewed Pork and Dried Peas, Tankard of Beer (10 cp)
  • Boiled Eggs and Dried Onions, Tankard of Beer (10 cp)
  • Pickled Whitefish and Whey Cheese, Tankard of Bitter (11 cp)
  • Caina: Male Elf Servant. Caina has uneven gray hair and soft green eyes, and a short moustache. He wears worn clothing and a wooden holy symbol.
  • Wine: Male Human Peasant. Wine has red hair and amber eyes, and a thin nose. He wears well-made clothing and a green cloak.
  • Arienwen: Female Elf Scofflaw. Arienwen has long copper hair and light green eyes, and large ears. She wears modest garments and a white cloak.
  • Edic: Male Human Merchant. Edic has a long face, with auburn hair and gray eyes. He wears travel-stained clothing and a wooden holy symbol.
  • Cone: Male Elf Soldier. Cone has a square face, with braided silver hair and large green eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a bastard sword and light crossbow.
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