
Physical Area: 44,000sq. miles   Population Density: High (91 humanoids per square mile)   Kingdom Age: 713 years   Physical Area Evrand covers an area of 44 thousand square miles. Of this, 41% (18,040 sq. miles) is arable land, and 59% (25,960 sq. miles) is wilderness.   Population Evrand has a total population of ~4 Million people.   Settlements The largest city has a population of 168 thousand people, the second largest 51 thousand people. There are 2 other cities of note in the kingdom, and 4 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.   Castles Evrand has 8 active castles and 1 ruined castle. Of these, 7 castles and 1 ruined castle are along the border, and 1 castles is on the arable land.


Ruled by a King named Zigmund the Immortal.

Public Agenda

To safeguard their freedom from the Elven tyrants of Lothliene


Standing Army of ~9 Million


Founded 164 years before liberation. Evrand was founded by the rebel leaders after throwing their shackles from their Elven overlords.
Founding Date
164 PL
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Mostly Human with a large population of varying races.