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Ar'anoth (Arr-Ah-noth)

The Fallen

As the root of all evil within the cosmology of Taeva, Ar'anoth is considered to be the greatest threat to all of Creation. Once a member of the Elari, the divine spirits charged by the Creator to steward the fundamental forces of Creation, Ar'anoth has since rebelled agianst his original purpose in an attempt to usurp the Creator and his fellow Elari as the sole ruler of Creation and its inhabitants. Having since been defeated and imprisoned by his former comrades, Ar'anoth and the Fiends he spawns now seek to unmake all that the Creator had built, and the effects of their actions are still felt throughout Creation eons later.

Divine Domains

Pride, arrogance, tyranny, destruction, corruption

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A red verticle line (representing the scar on his chest) with tow vertical red lines on either side (representing his eyes).

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ar'anoth wishes to destroy the Elari and the Creator, and rule over Creation as a god.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ar'anoth has a tall, powerful humanoid body covered in armour. While acknowledged as a powerful being, he is currently stuck in a weakened state as a result of his wounds and near constant expenditure of his own essence to create the Fiends that serve him.

Body Features

Ar'anoth is completely covered in an angular, menacing suit of armour made from black and red metal, and the similarly coloured energy seen within is believed to be his true body.

Facial Features

Ar'anoths head is covered by horned helmet, featureless except for four glowing red eye holes.

Identifying Characteristics

Ar'anoths most striking feature is the large hole in his chest, the result of being wounded by Archaiel during his revolt, which contains a swirling mass of red and black energy (supposedly the matter his body underneath the armour is made from) is constantly leaking Malice.

Special abilities

Ar'anoth can use the Malice formed from his being to twist and corrupt any creature or object he wishes, or use it to cast offensive spells (often taking on the form of corrupted versions of elemental magic, or destructive blasts of pure Malice). Additionally, he has the ability to create, summon, and command the monsterous creatures known as Fiends, and any destroyed Fiends will have their essence returned to him, usually to create more replacement Fiends.

Apparel & Accessories

Ar'anoth is always seen wearing a suit of dark, menacing armour made of black and red metal, which is believed to be the equivalent of skin for him.

Specialized Equipment

While Ar'anoths weapon can take on whatever for he wishes, it's most commonly seen in the form of a massive greatsword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about Ar'anoths past before his fall beyond the fact that he was one of the Empyrians, the "first generation" of the Elari to be formed by the Creator at the dawn of time. While he was originally meant to order and steward the elements of Creation alongside his fellow Elari (the exact element he was tied to before his fall remains unknown), Ar'anoth felt that he and his bretheren should be ruling over Creation and its inhabitants as gods, rather than acting as servants of the Creators will, eventually plotting a rebellion to try and usurp their power for himself. These schemes did not go unnoticed, and when Ayari, the Divine Elari of Starlight, confronted him in an attempt to dissuade him from his course of action, Ar'anoth struck and grievously wounded her, resulting in her shattering, an event many consider to have been the first evil act in history.

Realising what he had done, as well as the danger his ambitions posed to Creation, the remaining Elari all turned on Ar'anoth in an attempt to bring him to justice, forcing him to flee to the border between Creation and the Void to escape, but not before being stripped of nearly all of his divine power by the Creator (notably one of the only times the Creator has ever directly intervened in their Creation). There he would form a realm of his own to rule over, Taros, and work to slowly regain his power, eventually returning with the newly formed power of Malice and an army of Fiends in another attempt at claiming Creation for himself. Though the fighting was long and brutal, Ar'anoth and his Fiends were driven back to Taros, even being severely wounded by Archaiel and Aureon in the process, and it's there where they remain imprisoned forevermore.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ar'anoth considers his inability to completely slay Ayari, as well his defeat and subsequent banishment at the hands of the Elari, to be his greatest failures, and he's been stewing in his resentment over these failures for the last several eons.

Morality & Philosophy

Ar'anoth fully believes he alone has the right to rule over Creation, and that all others must either submit to his authority, or be destroyed. Additionally, Ar'anoth adheres to a philosophy of "might makes right", believing that power and personal strength trumps any form of morality.

Personality Characteristics


Ar'anoth seeks to destroy the Elari and unmake all that the Creator had made, with the intention of remaking Creation in their own image.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ar'anoths biggest flaws are his arrogance and his hatefulness. It was his overinflated sense of self pride that led to his attempted rebellion against the Creator, and nearly everything he does is motivated by sheer spite.

Representation & Legacy

Ar'anoth is credited as being the reason that evil exists in Creation in the first place.



Ar'anoth is described as having a deep, gutteral voice.
Divine Classification
Dark Progenitor
Current Status
Imprisoned within Taros
Circumstances of Birth
Originally formed by the Creator from a shard of their divine essence
Blood red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pitch black with red highlights, with a body presumably made from Malice underneath


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