Ayari Character in Taeva | World Anvil
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Ayari (Ah-yah-REE)

The First Star

Ayari is a member of the Elari, the divine beings formed by the Creator at the dawn of time to order and protect the fundamental forces of Creation. As the Elari of Starlight, Ayari was responsible for shaping the night sky over Taeva, though her role was almost jeopordised when Ar'anoth, the Fallen, shattered her. Despite her newly fractured state, Ayari continued to exist as the countless stars in the night sky, and this ability to persevere even in the face of such extreme circumstances has resulted in the mortal races of Taeva revering her as the embodiment of hope.

Divine Domains

Starlight, hope

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A diamond surrounded by points of light.

Tenets of Faith

  • Protect the innocent
  • Aid those less fortunate
  • Stand against injustice wherever it takes root

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ayari is dedicated to upholding the balance of the cosmos, primarily by ensuring the safety of the stars that formed from her body, as well as aiding various heroes throughout Taevas history in upholding the cause of goodness.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ayari once had a tall, slender humanoid body made from a clear crystalline substance. Since her shattering, she's been reduced to the countless crystalline formations that form the stars.

Body Features

Ayari's body was made from a clear, crystalline material that behaved like skin despite its solid appearance, with its fragments now serving as the numerous stars scattered throughout the Cosmos.

Facial Features

Ayari was described as having soft facial features, glowing white eyes, and a mass of white emerging from the back of her head in a manner similar to hair.

Special abilities

As the Elari of Starlight, Ayari has access to powerful abilities related to the stars, including the ability to generate light and the ability to fire bolts of light. See also possesses powerful healing abilities, as well as the ability to inspire those around her. Since her shattering, Ayari has also gained the ability to percieve anything within the vicinity of her shards, though her awareness becomes more "hazy" the further out she spreads her awareness. Thankfully, she can focus herself into a single one of her shards, usually to communicate with others, though this takes considerable effort on her part, and she can only sustain this state for a few moments.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As one of the Divines, Ayari was a part of the "second generation" of the Elari, coming into existence shortly after the Empyreans, the first seven of the Elari to be formed. She is said to have served both Archaiel and Xyden during the Ordering, the conflict waged to subdue the Primordials (embodiments of then-chaotic elemental forces of Creation), with her efforts being focused on bolstering, protecting, and healing her allies. While she and her fellow Elari hoped that the end of this conflict would lead to more peaceful times for Creation, this was sadly not to be.

At some point during the Ordering, Ar'anoth, then the eigth member of the Empyreans, had become consumed with pride and jelousy, believing that he and his fellow Elari should rule over Creation and its inhabitants as gods, rather than being "limited" to acting as its stewards. This prideful attitude eventually drove him to begin plotting a rebellion against the Creator, as well as any of the Elari who would refuse to side with him, and upon hearing about this, Ayari confronted him in an attempt to reason with him. While well-intended, this action ultimately lead to Ar'anoth striking her with the intent of killing her, shattering her into countless pieces that were scattered across Creation.

Despite her grievous injury and fractured state, Ayari still lived, and when Ar'anoth returned with his newly formed army of Fiends to try and conquer Creation, she used her state of existing in multiple places at once to direct and aid her allies in their defence, eventually succeeding in pushing Ar'anoth and his legions back to the edge of Creation. Even now in her current state, Ayari continues to watch over Creation, lending whatever aid she can to both her fellow Elari and the mortal inhabitants of Creation when needed.

Morality & Philosophy

As the Elari associatted with hope, Ayari believes that one can overcome almost any obstacle they face if they have faith that they can do so, while also acknowledging that they still need to put in the effort to do so. It's believed that it's this unshakeable hope in things eventually turning out for the better that's allowing her to continue to exist even in her currently fractured state. She also believes that there's a fundamental goodness in all things when they first come into existence.


Ayari is vehemently opposed to those who would seek to cause harm out of pure malicious intent, and while she is said to be the most forgiving of the Elari, it's said that even her capacity for forgiveness has its limits, withthose who repeatedly reject chances at redemption being among the few beings capable of earning her ire.

Personality Characteristics


As the Elari of Starlight, Ayari is determined to uphold her duty ensuring the stability of the cosmos, despite her fractured state. Additionally, due to her association with hope, Ayari is motivated to do what she can to keep goodness alive in Creation, mainly through aiding various heroes.



Ayari speaks in a soft, gentle tone of voice.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Formed by the Creator from a shard of their divine essence.
Glowing white
Long, flowing, glowing white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crystalline and clear


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