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Blightscale is a disease unique to the group of races known collectively known as the "Scalekin", which encompasses the DrakaiSythssya, and Xothgi. As the name implies, this disease initially only affects the scales of those infected, though its ability to increase the likelyhood of future infections has made it one of the most frightening illnesses seen on the continent of Vraelia, Pushing even such nations as Dranya and Setsymar to the brink.

Transmission & Vectors

Blightscale is typically contracted through contaminated food or water, though it can also be contracted through contact with the blood or saliva of infected individuals, or being bitten by creatures with the infection.


Blightscale infection initially manifests as discoloured patches among the infecteds scales, typically originating at the site of infection. Eventually, these discoloured patches of scales will slough off, exposing the pale skin underneath. Additionally, the infected will lose feeling in the affected parts of their bodies, and their immune system will weaken.


If caught early enough, Scaleblight can be treated with medicinal treatments that focus on cleansing infected blood. Even if successfully treated, however, the infected individuals (usually refered to as "Blightscarred") will still be left with patches of pinkish-pale skin where they've lost their scales, as well as a diminished ability to feel in their affected regions.


Stage One (Mild/Mild approaching Moderate): The infected individual will begin showing discoloured patches among their scales, accompanied by a slowly growing feeling of numbness in the infected regions.
Stage Two (Moderate/Moderate approaching Severe): Scales in affected regions will further discolour and slough off, and the infected individual will usually lose all feeling in the affected regions.
Stage Three (Severe): This is commonly the stage where infection from other diseases becomes more likely, and where treatment becomes much more difficult.


Since Blightscale infection results in loss of feeling in the affected parts of the victims body, as well as the loss of much of their scales (which typically acts as a barrier against outside infection) and weakening of their immune system, those who contract this illness become much more vulnerable to further infection from other illnesses, and it's this trait that has made Blightscale so dangerous.

Affected Groups

Scaleblight only affects races belonging to the "Scalekin" group, with those living in close proximity to one another being the most vulnerable to infection.

Hosts & Carriers

Any scaled creature, be they sapient or animal, can be a carrier for the disease.


The best way to avoid contracting Scaleblight is to avoid contact with blood or saliva, as well as bites, from any creature that's already been infected with the disease.


While Scaleblight can be spread through direct contact with blood or saliva from an infected individual, it can also be spread through food and water that had been contaminated by infected individuals, as well as bites from infected animals. Among urban-dwelling Scalekin races, those living in more densely populated areas (particularly if they're of a lower class) are most at risk of infection.


The first and most devestating recorded outbreak of Scaleblight is believed to have occured somewhere in southern Dranya around 816 CA. According to Dranyan records, the first infected individual is believed to have been a Drakai hunter who had been bitten by a Virak that had been carrying the disease, though it remains unknown how this Virak might have initially contracted the disease themselves. From there, the plague quickly began to spread throughout Dranya, as well as its neighbours of Setsymar and the Xothgi territories.
  • Dranya, being the origin point of the disease, is said to have suffered the worst of its effects. According to records, Scaleblight was able to spread quickly along the roads between settlements before others realised what they were dealing with, and those living in densely populated urban settlements, particularly those living in poorer communities, were the most at risk of contracting and spreading the disease. Those living in more remote communities, mainly those of Athrani descent, were the least likely to be exposed to the disease, but they were also the most vulnerable to it if it ever did manage to reach them. Throughout Dranya, travel between settlements was highly restricted (severely affecting domestic trade), entire neighbourhoods were quarantined, healers became a near constant sight among the cities, and the more affluent members of Dranyan society cloistered themselves and their families in their estates in an effort to avoid infection (it's said that for the entire duration of the plague, the capital was completely off limits, and neither the Emperor nor their family were seen by anyone). Following the plague (which saw the loss of a quarter to a third of Dranya's population), extensive efforts were undertaken to prevent any future outbreaks from occouring, including improvements to sanitation and water delivery, as well as providing greater resources to the practicing and studying of the healing arts, all spearheaded by the then-heir to the throne (which made him quite popular among the populace).
  • The nation of Setsymar (which was exposed to the disease via trade with Dranya shortly after the infection started spreading there) also suffered extensively under the effects of the disease. Like their Drakai neighbours, the Sythssya also took to quarantining infected settlements and restricting travel, including sea travel via the Great River, which lead straight to the capital. Since this large river served as a major route for travel and trade through Setsymar, limitations on using it for travel posed significant issues for the settlements built along its banks, particularly in regards to the delivery of grain and other food items. Additionally, settlements built around oases were extremely wary of allowing outsiders within them, especially fearful of having their largest source of water contaminated, making travel through the arid regions they occupied much more hazardous. Like Dranya, Setsymars road to recovery was a long and arduous one, and more extensive measures were put in place to limit or stop future such outbreaks before they become too disruptive.
  • Few records exist of the outbreak of Scaleblight among the Xothgi, though reports from their neighbours claim that those living within the northern regions of their territories were affected the worst by it. While some scattered mentions of the disease further south do exist, it's believed that the relative remoteness of the various Xothgi settlements prevented it from spreading very far.

Cultural Reception

Scaleblight remains one of the most feared diseases among the Drakai, Sythssya, and Xothgi centuries after its initial outbreak. Regardless of their social standing, those who survived the infection (known as the "Blightscarred") were often treated with a mix of sympathy and fear, due to the worry that they might still carry some lingering traces of the disease within them.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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