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The Devoted of Aione

The Devoted of Aione are one of the most recognisable groups within the Church of the Radiant Saints, as well as one of the most active. Centered around the ideals of Aione the Healing Saint, the Devoted are dedicated to tending to the sick and injured, providing sanctuary for those who most need it, and inspiring hope in others. Since Aione is also considered to be the Founding Saint of the Radiant Church, the Devoted are considered to be the most influential and active group within the Church, and what most people think of when talking about the Radiant Church.


The Devoted of Aione follow the same ranking structure as the Radiant Church, with High Priest/ess being the highest rankone can hold among them. However, a member who has shown exemplary dedication to the orders ideals can be nominated for the rank of High Father/Mother.


Being a sect formed around a Saint associated with healing, the Devoted strive to live a life dedicated to aiding others in whatever capacity they are able.

Public Agenda

The Devoted were established with the intent of carrying on Saint Aiones mission of tending to those most in need, and to encourage others to live by the virtues of compassion and selflessness she established.


The Devoted of Aione are able to access the same resources as the Church itself, including temples/sanctuaries and the support of the people. Due to their ideals of providing healing and sanctuary, the Devoted also have a number of healers among their numbers (who often voluntarily provide their services to their communities), as well as a number of shelters and orphanages they helped establish.

Tenets of Faith

While the tenets of the Radiant Church are observed by the Devoted of Aione, the tenets that focus on mercy, compassion, healing, and sanctuary are the most widely practiced within the group.


The Devoted of Aione teach that being compassionate and providing aid to others, often without expecting any sort of reward, are the cornerstones to living a good and righteous life.


The Devoted of Aione count a number of priests and priestesses among their ranks, and follow a similar structure of rank and promotion as the main Church. As far as leadership is concerned, the High Father/Mother of Aione is considered to be responsible for guiding the Devoted of their kingdom, and like all other parts of the Church, the Devoted consider the High Radiant to the the supreme earthly authority within the Church.

The Devoted use the same white and yellow/gold robes as the rest of the Church, though they can be identified by their usage of the symbol of Aione, which resembles a glowing point of light cupped by a pair of hands.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerics belonging to the Devoted of Aione possess the ability to use Light-based Divine Magic, typically drawn from light-aligned Elari such as Archaiel and Ayari. The magic of these Clerics is mainly used to heal and protect themselves and others, and they limit any offensive usage of their magic for self defense, and even then only as a last resort. Like all Divine Magic, these abilities can be revoked if the Cleric misuses them.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Devoted of Aione are the most recognisable group within the Radiant Church, and are regarded in high standing thanks to their ongoing efforts of providing healing and sanctuary to the less fortunate, which is considered highly effective in spreading the teachings of the Church.
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Healers of Aione, Healers
Ruling Organization


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