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The fall of Mythenar

In its distant past, the Elven empire of Ithyria and its kingdoms covered nearly every inch of the continents of Imera and Vraelia, bringing it great prosperity and prestige. The Sea Elf kingdom of Mythenar was no different in that regard, and the scholarly and material wealth it produced was enough to rival even the imperial heartland of Caelora. This prosperity would not last, however, and the fall of this once great kingdom remains a cautionary tale on the consequences of hubris.


According to legend, the kingdom of Mythenar was a territory within the larger Itherian empire that occupied a small island chain in the sea between southern Imera and northern Vraelia. This kingdom was said to have been a prosperous centre of trade thanks to its strategic location, and was also one of the greatest centres of learning within Ithyria, allowing it to rival even the imperial heartland on mainland Imera (the territory that now forms the kingdom of Caelora). Unfortunately at the height of the empires power, the once benevolent research conducted within Mythenar became increasingly focused on benefitting the powerful few, with the end goal of standing on equal footing with the Elari, the divine spirits who steward the forces of Creation.

This hubris didn't go unnoticed, with the Neryn, the Elari of Water herself, appearing before the Sea Elves in an attempt to warn them of the ruinous consequences of their ambitions. While most ignored these warnings, a few did take them to heart, recieving a blessing from Neryn that would allow them to survive the coming cataclysm and its aftermath (these Sea Elves would go on to become the ancestors of the Merfolk). Not long after, what Neryn had tried to warn the Sea Elves of came to pass: A terrible storm struck the kingdom of Mythenar, sinking it below the seas, where its ruins are said to still remain.

Historical Basis

There are records of a territory within Itheria that matches the description and location of Mythenar, though most of these records were lost or destroyed during the chaos of the Ithyrian War of Succession. Additionally, people from the surrounding regions (such as the Minotaurs of the Argynos peninsula) have mentioned particularly stormy sea weather around the time that the destruction of Mythenar was said to have taken place.


The story of the fall of Mythenar is well known among the Elven kingdoms, as well as the regions surrounding its supposed final resting place.

Variations & Mutation

While much of the story of Mythenars destruction remains consistent, there are a few details that see some variation between tellings. Regarding the desire of the Sea Elves to stand on equal footing with the Elari, there remains a debate on whether this meant that they literally wanted to become immortal, divine beings like the Elari themselves, or if they simply wished to achieve power that would make them equal to them within the Mortal Realm. Additionally, some tellings claim that Neryn herself sent the storm that sank Mythenar in order to stop them from becoming a threat to the rest of Taeva through their unchecked ambitions, while others claim it was a result of one of the many magical experiments conducted within Mythenar backfiring catastrophically.

Cultural Reception

Many Elf scholars believe that the fall of Mythenar was a portent of the collapse of the Ithyrian empire as a whole, by virtue of it being a once great civilisation that fell into ruin as a result of unchecked hubris. Among the Merfolk, this story is taken as a cautionary tale on the dangers of recklessly pursuing lofty ambitions, with the Merfolk as a whole pursuing a more modest existence in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of their ancestors. Among most of the peoples of Taeva, the story of Mythenar and its great wealth has drawn many adventurers to the sea in an effort to claim its lost riches, though none have met with any real success.
Date of Setting
2000 MA
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