BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Davina Antistia

Standing at 5'6”, Davina may not be as tall as other warriors but she possesses the muscled body of a devoted athlete underneath all the armour. She has pale amethyst eyes, an olive complexion, and keeps her black hair cut in style that leaves two long strands that go just past her shoulders in the front while the back is a short bob.   Davina Antistia is a Bonneru woman of 20 years of age, hailing from the remote rural community of Jitaˈi ˈliklo. Her family consists of two living parents, her twelve brothers and sisters (of which she is the literal middle child), her siblings' spouses, and their children. Though she loves her family with all her heart, she always had a sense of not really knowing of where she fit in. While her siblings put down their wooden play swords to pick up the tools a farmer would need to tend the family land and start their own families, Davina never lost the desire to expand her martial prowess.   Proving her competence with a blade when helping a passing caravan fend off a bandit attack, she was encouraged to receive more formal training at the urging of the caravan's head of security. So at the age of 17 she packed up what few belongings she had and left her parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, her neighbours, hamlet and the only world she had ever known to seek a calling she didn't fully understand but had always yearned for.   Initially winding up in Sabellis City, she quickly found work she enjoyed and the chance to hone her skills by joining the town guard. She quickly earned a reputation among the guards as having quick wit, a sharp tongue ready with a smart-assed quip or sass when warranted (but only among those that she trusts), and impressive ability to hold her liquor which she credits to her people's consumption of edef.   Upon completing her training she took a private position in an unknown location of which she refuses to share details regardless how much promise of spirits or coin is offered.   It is unknown as to how she wound up in Sewca Outpost, however it is rumoured that the only person who was aware of the details behind her deployment to the outlier post was the late Master Erol.


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