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Jitaˈi ˈliklo

Jitai'i'liklo - A community of Bonneru farmers and craftspeople consisting of less than 200 people over a large swath of farmland with patches of natural forest interspersed. It had a different and more legal sounding name at one point in history, though it has been long, long forgotten. Its residents now refer to it affectionately as Jita'i'liklo - "Buttfuck", in the local tongue - given it being situated in the middle of nowhere.   There are no erected public buildings in what would be the center of the community, only a long stretch of public road leading off elsewhere and a plot of public land that acts as a meeting ground. For community meetings and festivals, tents are are erected. On Isiz and Facartal, the second and seventh days of the week, a small market assembles where those willing to sell or buy items, crafts, and wares, can barter and exchange.   The area's sole undoubted claim to fame is being the birthplace of the hero, Davina Antistia.  
  Note: This article is the result of a creative collaboration with Thiel.


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