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POPULATION: 5K   RELIGION: The Old Tradition   ETHNIC GROUPS: Mìrhn   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Aggir - 5K   CURRENCY: Various. The worth of coinage metal, rather than its national origin, attracts attention on the lonely island.   KEY SETTLEMENT: Udwyellent   TOWNS: Idgely   VILLAGES: Twillness, Fairric
  Situated in the harsh, arctic conditions of northern Rajan lies the remote island nation of Garraine. With a sparse population of only 5,000, predominantly of the Mìrhn ethnicity, Garraine is a place of raw, elemental beauty and intense spiritual connection.   The Mìrhn are a small but resilient group of people, who speak the Aggir tongue. The majority of them live in mainland Shagirrin, with only a small fraction venturing to the isle of Garraine, drawn by its sacred significance. Udwyellent serves as the central settlement here, with Idgely, Twillness, and Fairric acting as smaller nodes of habitation.   The Mìrhn are intrinsically linked with their environment and have honed their survival skills to withstand the arctic rigors. They are adept at hunting and fishing, skills necessary to sustain their life in a place where resources are minimal. Consequently, the use of bone in crafting practical items and creating art is a common sight, with spectacular craftsmanship often showcased in the intricate carvings that remain, alas, largely unknown to the outside world due to the island's remote location.   The people of Garraine follow the ways of The Old Tradition, a religion common to the majority of the continent. However, their interpretation adds a unique layer to the spiritual tapestry of the region: They believe in the presence of giant divine beings called Kyygi-ummor that reside within the island itself, slumbering deep beneath the earth - a belief mandating a constant presence of spiritual adherents on the island, to present offerings of food and drink in supplication to these terrestrial deities.   Under these austere conditions, the Mìrhn thrive under the stewardship of Clan Thrhaì̯b, whose leadership is as mysterious as the land itself. These rulers, thought to be descendants of ancient priest-kings, are believed to possess an extraordinary spiritual connection with the slumbering Kyygi-ummor. The Thrhaì̯b's governance is characterized by a seamless blend of spiritual practice and administrative rule, enhancing the mystical charm of this isolated nation.   Interestingly, historical texts hint at ancient, advanced civilizations that may have previously inhabited Garraine. Scattered across the island, enigmatic ruins with carvings and symbols incomprehensible to the present inhabitants fuel the curiosity of scholars and adventurers alike. Some theorize that these remnants belong to the ancestors of the Thrhaì̯b, suggesting a forgotten era of prosperity and technological progress, while others believe these ruins to be the works of the slumbering giants themselves.   A trip to Garraine may not be for the faint-hearted, but for those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled experience. The remote, rugged landscapes, the deeply ingrained spiritual practices of the Mìrhn, and the mysteries surrounding the Thrhaì̯b rulers and the island's past make Garraine a fascinating confluence of the elemental, the spiritual, and the enigmatic.

Crest of the Thrhaì̯b


Cover image: blue-winter-landscape-scenery


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