BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  Master Ghuladden, a paragon of The Berythian Tradition, a man ensnared in the labyrinthine twists and turns of his mind, epitomizes the very essence of enigma. Tales of his brilliance echoed through the marble halls of The Loraeus, the Tradition's stronghold, his name spoken in reverent whispers among acolytes and scholars alike. Yet, the man himself seemed utterly disinterested in the prestige his position could afford him. Offered the revered role of Grandmaster, Ghuladden shrugged it off as if it were a pesky gnat, the administrative duties it entailed a bitter poison to his voracious pursuit of knowledge.   Into this world of arcane obsession came Rianemi Lia'ler, a flame of raw potential within the water-element focused Column of Haldorm. Ghuladden's distant, almost aloof demeanor persisted in her presence, yet subtle cracks began to form in his icy facade. Whispers from the other apprentices painted her as Ghuladden's favorite, a claim she found perplexing given his sparse attention. She suspected their shared Bonneru heritage might play a part in this perceived favoritism, but couldn't shake off the notion that there was something more, a hidden tenderness Ghuladden barely let surface.   With a past rooted in the provincial life of farmers who feared her magical gifts, Rianemi found herself yearning for Ghuladden's scarce acknowledgement. This yearning birthed in her a determined self-reliance, an independence as fierce as a winter storm, and a thirst for knowledge that mirrored Ghuladden's own. She found solace in the silence of the library, her companions the ancient tomes that filled the towering shelves.   A storm, however, was brewing on the horizon. In the weeks before Rianemi's departure for the outpost at Sewca, a strange urgency seized Ghuladden. He became a man possessed, furiously engrossed in a project he kept shrouded in the deepest secrecy. His formerly aloof preoccupation took on an air of active concealment, books snapped shut at the merest hint of her presence. It was a mystery, a curious divergence from his norm. The heart of this mystery, the reason behind Ghuladden's sudden change, remained a cryptic enigma to Rianemi, one that gnawed at the edges of her curious mind.
Seal of the Column of Haldorm


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