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The Dok

As the moon casts its silvery glow on the Ebon Plains, one cannot help but remember the day the royal lineage of the Dok race fell. Slender and tall with an ethereal air about them, they once lived under the regal rule of their king, a pillar of strength in their meticulously structured society. But when the Sakxani monarch, King Eddvar, extinguished the royal family in a fierce battle, Dok society was thrust into tumultuous chaos.   Highly formal in nature, Dokkand societal structure demands order, with a caste system that touches every aspect of life. Their Druids, skilled in astrology and nature magic, sat at the heart of this order. The royals' loss was a terrible blow, but the destruction of the druid's astrological charts, their critical tools, struck a much more crippling blow to the tradition. Devoid of the charts, Dok Druids were unable to calculate the customary tax known as Jaloo, the lifeblood that sustained their order.  
by midjourney
Above: Scene from Bonicaroo
  In the face of such adversity, some Dok showcased an impressive adaptability. These forward-thinking individuals, breaking with traditions, migrated to a human city, Narthis. Through their unmatched skill in craftsmanship and innovation, they accumulated substantial wealth, enabling them to assume control over the city, renaming it Rigo. The more conservative Dok, adhering to traditional values, chose to inhabit the forest settlement of Bonicaroo, where they could maintain their connection to nature.   The Dok are an awe-inspiring sight, their tall, gaunt frames adorned with pale hair that varies from snowy white to subtle shades of auburn and light brown. Unique to the Dok is their nictitating membrane, a third eyelid that shields their eyes from harsh sunlight, creating the illusion of solid black orbs. This adaptation is believed to be a survival trait from their snow-covered northern origins in Dokeen and the Myrodaen islands.  
by midjourney
  The Dok are renowned for their longevity, with the oldest living members reaching the ripe age of two centuries. This impressive lifespan has sparked curiosity, even suspicion, among The Hex, a notorious cult of necromancers rumored to be behind several recent Dok disappearances.   Their extended lifespan has allowed the Dok to develop an intricately layered society, outclassing the human societal structure in terms of complexity. Each caste, distinguished by its unique language within the Tol Ylidoc linguistic spectrum, adheres to a distinct set of customs and rituals. The elaborate conventions governing caste interactions demand exhaustive study, rendering the Dok society a labyrinth to the uninitiated.   In comparison to humans, the Dok are noted for their remarkable patience, often perceived as frustratingly slow, even in the face of urgency. While they maintain cordial relations with humans, they view their customs as alien and somewhat coarse. Conversely, humans regard the Dok as detached and superior. Recently, The Council of Landezon established diplomatic ties with the Dok's home province of Bluepool, leading to a smattering of Dok appearances in Sabellis City, Draksineon's capital. However, they remain a novelty in the city, attracting curious glances from locals unused to their elven presence.


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