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Tha̯nnús Ma̯thúng

Ma̯thúng, a Navird of large stature and impressive presence, is the Guild Master of the Brimstone Assembly. His brown-reddish hair, streaked with silver, neatly frames his stern, square face while piercing black eyes, sharp as a smith's chisel, seem to appraise every detail in their view. His robust build, cultivated from years of physical labour at the forges, only adds to his commanding air.   Ever wearing his signature leather apron, emblazoned with the sigil of the Brimstone Assembly, Tha̯nnús Ma̯thúng seems to personify the fiery essence of those hard-working men and women whom he represents.  
by midjourney
  Despite his impressive exterior, Tha̯nnús is deeply thoughtful and intellectual. A visionary leader, he possesses a deep understanding of both the arts of metallurgy and magic. This dual proficiency sets him apart in a world where magical abilities are rare and often misunderstood.   Tha̯nnús's gift isa subtle form of earth magic; his magical talents allow him to sense the latent potential in the metals he works with, allowing him to produce alloys of remarkable strength and beauty. This unique ability - which he's also kept top secret save for his closest friends, lest The Council of Landezon intervene - coupled with his inherent talent for leadership, has led him to rise through the ranks of the Assembly's ranks, earning the respect and loyalty of its members.   Outside of his guild duties, Tha̯nnús lives a simple life. He enjoys the company of his fellow guild members, finding solace in their shared camaraderie. His leisure time is often spent indulging his love of fine ales, an indulgence he shares with his close-knit circle. Despite his status, Tha̯nnús never shies away from hard work, often helping his fellow artisans in the forge, a testament to his humility and dedication to his craft. He maintains a close friendship with Kevran Thensar, the Guild Master of the rival Order of the Hammer, though professional differences can often erupt between the two.


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