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Zaria Vermilion

In the bustling trading city of Sabellis, nestled within the thriving heart of Draksineon, a businessman named Ousz Vermilion found himself faced with an unusual choice. As the head of the local merchant's guild, he had accumulated a sizeable fortune and maintained a reputable standing among his peers. His familial line was bolstered by several children, including sons, yet it was his only daughter, Zaria, who exhibited the business acumen and practical sense Ousz admired. In a bold move that spurred quite a bit of controversy in the patriarchal Drakoyan society, he decided to pass the baton of his business to her.   Zaria, a youthful woman in her early 30s, inherited her father's confidence, mettle, and an innate skill for navigating the complex world of commerce. Zaria possesses an arresting presence, with her wavy brownish-red hair often falling loosely on her shapely frame, accentuated by her signature vermilion dress. Her attire is consciously chosen, a distinctive branding gimmick that serves her well.  
by midjourney
  Upon receiving her father's business, she proved herself more than capable of handling the responsibilities that came with it. Her relentless ambition and strategic thinking transformed the merchant operation into the Vermilion Caravan Company, which, under her guidance, grew into one of the most influential trading organizations along the 3,813-mile-long Ruby Road Her influence now stretches from Rello, across Kahrilo, to the reclusive, authoritarian government of the Uvan Empire.   Zaria's leadership style and philanthropic outlook are heavily influenced by her parents. Her Galorican mother, Nixa Dral, an academic and critic of capitalist structures, taught her the value of communal welfare and a need for balance between profit and philanthropy. Unbeknownst to her father, she channels a significant part of the company's profit into social programs, providing clandestine aid to various communities within Draksineon and along the route of the Ruby Road.   Her personal life is rather understated. She tends to spend her leisure time in Sabellis's Brokechariot, known for its bohemian charm and conviviality. The brightly colored vermilion outfits she wears are meticulously tailored by J̀ib’e & J̀idga, Tailors, who have a shop there, and her preference for the local tavern, 'The Stumbling Drunk', is partly her way of preserving her connection with her roots, despite her wealth and status.   In her romantic life, Zaria prefers the company of women, though is occasionally taken by the charm of a handsome and intriguing man, especially if he hails from foreign lands. She can never resist learning more about the world, especially where there may be business connections to be made. If this can be done through a good-looking vehicle, so much the better! In terms of simple pleasures, Zaria also loves her morning ritual of Kathoom tea, spiced subtly with Tyrilan herbs, and watching the sun rise over Sabellis.


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