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J̀ib’e & J̀idga, Tailors

In the bustling hubbub of Sabellis City, within the humble confines of the district known as Brokechariot, stands a small but significant establishment simply named 'J̀ib’e & J̀idga, Tailors.' Despite the unassuming exterior, a long and storied history intertwines itself with the threads that make up the heart and soul of this beloved tailoring shop.   J̀ib’e, the elder of the two, is a spry old man with hands still steady and eyes sharp despite his advancing age. A mischievous glint never leaves his gaze, a twinkling testament to the hidden youthfulness within. He claims an illustrious lineage of tailors, asserting that his family tree extends far back to the Sunset Empire (598-361) when his ancestors crafted regal robes for the revered Amazar Dynasty emperors. The truth of this claim remains shrouded in the mists of time, yet the longevity of his shop and his undeniable skills as a tailor lend a certain credibility to his tale.  
by midjourney
  Contrasting J̀ib’e’s aging wisdom, J̀idga is a young woman, vibrant and comely, with roots tracing back to the Shirtegori Farmlands. Her energy and enthusiasm are palpable, infusing the shop with a freshness that harmonizes well with J̀ib’e's seasoned steadiness. J̀ib’e, kind and gentle, has offered her a place to stay in one of the houses he owns within the district. This arrangement, of course, has set the local rumor mill ablaze, yet J̀ib’e's relationship with Jidga has never shown anything but an almost grandfatherly fondness.   Jidga's sentiments toward J̀ib’e, on the other hand, are perhaps not as straightforward. There's a certain sparkle in her eyes when she looks at him, a look that suggests she wouldn't mind if the old tailor showed her a different kind of affection.  
by midjourney
  Their shop, though not boasting of first-rate status, provides excellent and sturdy craftsmanship. Their clientele ranges from the modest townsfolk to the higher echelons of Sabellian society, owing to J̀ib’e’s extensive network of connections and the duo's dedication to their craft.   On every The Hazatien Calendar, after the congregational services at the Tabernacle have concluded, J̀ib’e heads to Awk's pub. There, he settles down for a game of Teth, indulging in an enjoyment that is perhaps the only thing as consistent as his love for tailoring. Meanwhile, 'J̀ib’e & J̀idga, Tailors' continues to weave its tale, stitching together the threads of tradition and innovation, in the heart of Brokechariot.


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