The Courtyard of Thunder Building / Landmark in Tai'Sans Hearth | World Anvil

The Courtyard of Thunder

The courtyard of thunder sits in the center of the Dorralian old city. It is itself the centre of the public palace of Queen Dorralia Golrok and King Circalion, who held court in the courtyard, and is built on the highest point of the city.   The courtyard is always open to the public but rarely visited outside the public meetings of the Dorralian Council. In its center, the two thrones of Dorralia rest upon a giant crystal platform, which was carved in the early days of Dorralia, just after the completion of the first ring.   During council meetings held here all citizens can come and voice their support or dissent. The greatest wonder of the courtyard is however, that it has no roof. Despite its open nature this is perhaps the only place in Dorralia, where people can meet under the sky itself at any point, without getting wet from the constant rain and storm that ravages Dorralia throughout the year.

Purpose / Function

The Courtyard of Thunder was originally where King Circalion and Queen Golrok held court. After both rulers had died, the Dorralian Council repurposed the room as the place where they could hold their public meetings.


The courtyard is hexagonal in shape with each side being about fourty meters long. The walls rise high above the courtyard, ending in the open sky of the above after about 100 meters. The floor stones are in a mixed pattern of various shades from black over greys to white, while the walls are entirely white marble with red/gold copper lines running alongside them.


The courtyard itself can be accessed by three separate portal doors, each leading almost directly to the outside of the palace.


The only truly valuable thing contained in the room is the giant leik-crystal in its center.

Special Properties

The one defining feature of the courtyard is its Leik-Magic. The giant crystal set into the ground powers perhaps the most powerful form of Leik in all of Dorralia. Using the copper along the pillars as conduits for the effect, the crystal projects an invisible force-field flush with the end of the courtyards walls. The frequent rain and storm of Dorralia is repelled as if it would hit a glass ceiling and pushed outward into the buildings water pathways powering the fountains surrounding the palace.


When the council began their public meetings, they added a semicircular table with chairs for each council member. The table sits next to the raised platform of the now empty thrones, which were kept in place.


The courtyard and the building surrounding it are built from tall marble pillars, which are carved and adorned with copper wires let into the stone. The courtyard is surrounded by marble balconies overlooking it, which can be accessed by numerous stairs in the surrounding pillars. The floor is polished stone with a single giant leik-crystal carved into a raised platform upon which the thrones of the former king and queen still stand.


The courtyard and its containing palace building dont have any active defenses, except for a powerful leik-ward. It is powered by the crystal upon which the thrones sit and it protects the courtyard from the frequent storms of Dorralia.
Image source: The court of thunder by Ninodonlord (via Midjourney)
Founding Date
6497 R1
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

Cover image: The court of thunder (via Midjourney) by Ninodonlord
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