
You're going to do something about that, right? It's coming right for us. I mean, obviously you're going to because we'd die if you didn't. You are working on it, right?
— Last thing heard by a distracted Abjurer
  The cosmos is a disparate collection of forces that would shake reality apart given slightest opportunity. Evocation would burn or freeze reality out of existence. Illusion and Enchantment would twist causality and perception past its breaking point. Transmutation seeks to break down and reassemble eternally and Necromancy wishes to revel only in dust. Without Abjuration each of these forces spill fourth out of control and replace all that we know with total chaos.   Abjurers are able to harness the Enduring Force and with their will, shape it into powerful redoubts against harm of all kind. Perhaps the most classic use of this power is to ward one's self or others against physical threats with castings of Shield, Mage Armor, Warding Bond and or the implacable Invulnerability spell. Novice Abjurers are limited to staving off physical harm but as one's ability to shape Protection Energy improves they are steel their psyche with Intellect Fortress, Nondetection and Mind Blank. Creative shapers can forge Magic Circles to contain threats or eject entities from places they do not belong with Banishment. The most powerful executions of White Dross take the form of Prismatic Walls that shatter anything crashes upon them, or Antimagic Shells that repel all other types of magic or even the dreaded Imprisonment spells that can lock their targets out from reality entirely.   All of Tairos' cultures have longstanding traditions of prayers and spells of protection, so in a way Abjuration is embraced universally. Frostmerites claim honor to earn the right of totemic protection. Stormlanders offer sacrifice in exchange for calm waters and sturdy shields during a raid. Halfling traditions include thousands of personal prayers hoping to invoke protection for their crops and flocks. In Baradrad spells like Protection from Evil, Remove Curse, Death Ward, and Dispel Evil are all vital tools in their efforts to manage their own dead while fighting back against the Parliament of Ghosts in the deep Scorch.


Abjuration is a force of light and its visualizations are always noticeable, dramatically so. Protective domes, glowing wards, and auras of brilliance are all commonplace and reflections of the shapers belief in the power they've called upon. For divine practitioners this is especially so as belief is many things but subtle is not one.

Components and tools

Icons of protection. For the divine practitioner it is obvious that holy symbols would help focus their belief and will to shape the Enduring Force. In other instances objects that embody endurance are use, such as metal and diamonds.

Also Known As

  • Enduring Force
  • Protection Energy
  • Shielding Weave
  • White Dross


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