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Lir Domhain

The most powerful man in East Talamh, one who wields tradition as a weapon to ensure the survival of his people, his country, and himself.

Highlord Lir Domhain

Lir Domhain is the Highlord of the The League of Clans, raised to the role in his youth. Lir surrounds himself with capable people such as Archcastellan Lann Kelly and Cathal Riagain. He has been instrumental in the perpetuation and amplification of anti-Fey sentiment in East Talamh over the course of the last fifty years, reinstituting archaic practices in the name of bringing the Tief another golden age.



Lir is almost mesmerizing in the way he carries himself. While not much taller than the average Tiefling at about 6', he has an incredibly beautiful countenance and face. His wardrobe is incredibly fine, with myriad artifacts serving as jewelry adorning his horns and arms. He always wears a pendant of The Silver Raven, an artifact from Saint Airgid. Lir's horns are large and sprawling, spiraling up and twisting once but measuring about two feet tall.


Serving as Highlord since 1019, Lir has changed much over the course of his life. In the modern day he is a generally cautious man who makes choices with intent. He is highly proficient in the internal stewardship of the League and is said to possess a keen mind for tactics on and off the battlefield. However, when concerning matters of the Fey, he changes quite drastically. A pedantic pedagogue-like facet reveals itself. His caution pivots to zealotry and hubris, culminating in rash deciscion-making considering the West. Some believe this is to do with an internalized paranoia surrounding the Fey, but these claims may simply amount to court gossip. Regardless of the scenario, Lir is a person capable of dealing with consequences.


Early Life (1000 - 1019 T.B.)
Born to the previous Highlord and his wife in the year 1000 T.B. on the millennial anniversary of the Conquest's end, the circumstances of Lir's birth heralded him as a sign from The Gods of Talamh that his eventual rule would be one of prosperity and progress. The lone heir to Clan Domhain, Lir was kept under close watch for the entirety of his youth. He did not make a public appearance for the first year of his life, which was initially attributed as a tactic to keep him safe. However, gossip later snaked out of the Silver Citadel that Lir was born sickly with a stillborn twin. These claims have never been proven.   As Lir grew, the most famous polymaths, strategists, and instructors were assigned as his personal and private tutors. He spent much of his early days under their protection and guidance as his mother and father ruled the Clans. He was known as a very bright pupil in the arts and sciences, apprenticing under a great Argosian sculptor at one point. As he aged into his teens, he began to associate with his fellow nobles more and more. His antics became somewhat iconic. Much to the chagrin of his parents, he spent much time about the upper echelons of Domhain City with his friends, becoming beloved by the people. At one point he organized an effort to give nearly-exorbitant alms to the poor, a strategy that won him the love of the common folk as well as the disappointment of his parents. Sultry rumors say that he was quite the available bachelor, courting many people at any given time. A lust for the finer things in life and the continuous disapproval of his family would soon be shattered.
Inheritance (1018 - 1019 T.B.)
In early 1018, Lord and Lady Domhain suddenly became ill. Less than a week after they had retreated to heal, they both passed suddenly. Lir was raised as Highlord at the beginning of spring and, by all accounts, was a very changed man. His flamboyance was replaced by a strange, creeping attitude of paranoia. The man that was once the greatest bachelor the East had possibly ever seen become an insular recluse overnight. During this time, he kept close contact with a few select individuals, namely Kesef Guaire, a childhood friend - rumored to be more than just that.   At the start of 1019, Lir rejoined public life. While he had managed to revive parts of his old personality somewhat, mirth and ambition had been replaced with flippancy and a droll sense of humor. At this time, he made a variety of radical policy deciscions, including the suspension of the Cathal Riagain's authority of his Clan due to his mere 13 years. In addition, Lir began a rather successful campaign to find and expunge any Fey found in Domhain City, an effort that eventually grew to include the entirety of County Airgid. He seemed extremely focused on this, ensuring its success via his constant personal involvement.
Marriage, Tragedy, and Vengeance (1020 - 1040 T.B.)
Lir kept himself uncoupled for a number of years, threatening the realm by the lack of an heir. However, in 1025 T.B., he surprised none of his courtiers by marrying Kesef Guaire in a ceremony said to have lasted three days straight. To onlookers, their love seemed true and sure to produce an heir, but no heir would come. In the winter of 1028, Kesef fell ill similarly to Lir's parents and passed just the same, less than a week after taking to bed. Lir was destroyed by this and returned to a shadow of his former self once again. The gossip of a now-excommunicated chamberlain revealed that the High Consort had been with child, worsening an already crushing blow.   However, Lir's despondence did not last long. He tasked his entire regime with finding the source of these strange killings deeply connected with him. One of the major actors in this was the newly-appointed Castellan and Justiciar of the Silver Court Lann Kelly, who would soon come to serve as Lir's personal advisor on this matter and others. In 1029, Lir's personal elevation of Cathal Riagain to Minister of Consecration reinforced his desire to find a reason behind these killings. In this mission, he reinstated the ancient practice of reciprocal justice and the divine judgement of rulers. While these policies were divisive for some, the backing of most Clans was enough to ensure their passage. This quest for answers would go on for nearly a decade but did not identify one specific killer, but something far worse. Official records state that the previous Highlord, his wife, and Kesef Guaire were all killed by the machinations of the sinister Fey Monarchs of the West. The League took this to heart, and tensions with the Fey skyrocketed as time passed into the 1040s.
The Silver Raven Flies Anew (1040 - 1060 T.B.)
After such tragedy, Lir was forced to rebuild. He redoubled his efforts on creating policy that would keep East Talamh and its citizens safe, specifically targeting suspected Fey insurgent groups with the Knights of Consecration. He maintained a strong alliance with Lann Kelly, the new Magi of Mac Rialor, and worked with him to do enact new laws and regulations that pushed the League to become more insular. This initial insularity became prosperity over time, with the East becoming a well-oiled machine of production and self-sustaining policy. This abundance was shared by virtually all in some way, but the noble class benefitted most. Still, Lir remained unmarried and without an heir.   During this time, Lir was able to pass law that would effectively allow for citizen justice against suspected Fey. This decriminalized ancient practices perhaps best left in the past, including targeted assaults on private citizens. All Fey hidden in the East were soon said to have been expunged. Lir celebrated this as a victory for his people and his regime, freeing the Tief under his rule from their venom. He began to become more and more zealous with each and every progression of these ideas, sometimes even bordering on wrathful hubris.
Heirless (1060 - 1067 T.B.)
Lir enjoyed relative peace during the early 1060s with little Fey activity. In 1066, a collaborated effort between now-Archcastellan Kelly and himself reintroduced the practice of ritualized Fey burnings, an ancient and barbarous ceremony outlawed in the centuries after the Conquest. Still, popular approval has stayed with the Highlord.   In late 1067, Highlord Lir Domhain declared war on the Fey alliances of West Talamh, citing the recent disappearance of Cathal Riagain as a prime motivation. Yet, Lir had been plucking the strings of tension for far longer than just now.   Throughout all of this, Lir has remained without an heir to inherit his title. The production of an heir is yet to be seen but hoped for by the League.


Cathal Riagain

Devoted Servant (Vital)

Towards Lir Domhain



Lir Domhain

Caring Lord (Vital)

Towards Cathal Riagain




Cathal has been at Lir's side since the former was 13 years old and the latter 19. Their relationship began with Cathal as Lir's sworn cupbearer but soon evolved into a close camaraderie and partnership. Lir was instrumental in bringing Clan Riagain back from the brink by allowing Cathal to suspend his own authority and later providing financial means for the Clan to be re-established. He personally approved Cathal's ascendance to Minister of Consecration and Lord Captain Commander of the Knights of Consecration.   Cathal, Lir, and Lann Kelly would go on to reinstate policies of reciprocal justice, reinforce the incarceration system, and entirely recreate East Talish policies as to Fey within their borders. Without Cathal at his side as his sword and shield both, it is unlikely that Lir Domhain would have been successful in many of these changes. Stalwart friends and confidants both, these men are tied by faith in each other and their ideals.

Archcastellan Lann Kelly

Theocratic Collaborator (Important)

Towards Lir Domhain



Lir Domhain

Clanocratic Confidant (Vital)

Towards Archcastellan Lann Kelly




Lir and Lann met in 1027 after Lann was personally assigned as Justiciar to the City of Domhain by the Spire. Gaining notoriety while climbing the ranks of the Spire, Lann was more than prepared to serve in this role. Lir requested Lann as his personal legal advisor and the two worked together to begin revising and reconstructing aspects of the East Talish legal system. The two began working with Cathal Riagain in 1030 and these three were known as strong friends from then on.   Lir facilitated Lann being raised to Magi and High Justiciar in the 1030s. As time went on, the two would move to introduce greater Faith-backed policies against Fey and tasked their removal from the East to Cathal Riagain. In 1046, Lann and Lir were successful in removing policies against Fey violence in East Talamh, a watershed moment for a continent whose populous had grown fat with tension and generational hatred. As two of the most powerful men in the world, Lann and Lir are close friends and advisors to one another. Lir dotes on Lann's every whim while the other is more reserved, seeing Lir as less of a close friend and more of a partner in the political.

Full Name
Lir Dagda Airgid Domhain
Pronouns and Gender
Approximately 67 years old
East Talish
Role and Life History
Highlord of The League of Clans 
Highlord, High Chief, His Eminence, The Silver Raven
Professional History
Highlord of the League of Clans - 1019 T.B.
Current Residence

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