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Nemo Despett

Lady Despett (a.k.a. Nemo)

Basic Information

Nemo Despett is a drow originating from the Underdark. She has a base of operations in the city of Holt. She is crude, lewd and as it is common for drow elf women, she is not willing to hear no for an answer.

Nemo was born a biological male and had two other siblings, her younger brother, Elvoras and her older sister Qilbreena, another girl. Qilbreena was to take leadership of House Despett but she departed drow society altogether, taking Elvoras, her little brother, along. House Despet, having lost their heir, now stood vulnerable in the unforgiving scene of drow politics, and as such had to quickly find a replacement for their heir. However, their only option at the time was Nemo and drow tradition prohibits a man from ever leading a senior drow House.

Nemo, at the time, had absolutely no interest in politics, conversely, he was appaled and frightened of the drow society, as most drow males are. His attention was focused towards art and magical trinkets as well as research. Up to that point in time, Nemo was a promised consort to lady Morrigan of House Xilrath and House Despett was more than happy to entertain Nemo's interests for they were in-line with his expected duty as a Consort and representative of the House. Nemo's training focused mainly on magical studies and the art of murder. He wasn't fond of the actual assassinations, but he mostly enjoyed training up to that point for the fencing reminded him of a dance. As such, Nemo complied with his House's wishes both in fear of punishment and in enjoyment of the some aspects of his training.

As mentioned before, when Qilbreena abandoned House Despett, they stood vulnerable in the breakneck drow political scene. House Μóreliante immediatedly made a move against them targetting the house's head, Lady Vaelora. Although House Móreliante suffered a crippling defeat, they managed to kill Vaelora and discord immediately rose amongst the house's ranks, regarding the succession. The council of House Despett had no other choice but to act quickly and decisively. They relied upon an old Elven ritual to change Nemo's sex and have him inherit the Vaelora's place. Nemo, having the mercurial nature of elves, was miraculusly bended into a woman after her family's prayers and so she was now forced to fullfil the role her sister left vacant. As such, Nemo grew bitter and ruthless and she had the power necessary to act on that ruthlessness.

Nemo never parted ways with her fencing master and kept strong ties with the House of Shadows, something rather unsurprising since it is only natural for the drow and nobility, both of which she is, to further their agenda using the services of the House. Later in her life she became a prominent figure of the House, mainly doing business in the establishment of Holt, included but not limited to trade, murder and political sabotage. When conducting some of her work, she donned on a disguise: Johanna Pie. She was a dwarf with pink pigtails, a rather cutsy facade for the purpose she served. She used to smuggle people under that name from the Empire to the Tail and worked alongside Kappamund Keepowrath for that goal.


Nemo's skin is a rather dark grey-ish purple. She is quite tall for a drow and her figure is resembling that of an exaggerated hourglass. Her hair is very long in shades of silver, glowing under the moonlight. Nemo's eyes are bright red, a color very frightening to see amids the darkness of the night.


She was first encountered in a tavern-bar in Drypond by Kazimir. She was disguised as Johanna Pie and when she approached by him she handed him over a mysterious coin, later discovered to be the unique currency of the House of Shadows.

Their second meeting was in the city of Holt and it was a rather unpleasant one. Kazimir and Seribra were heading to the lower city to find Quilbreena but a while after were met with Nemo instead. She then slit Seribra's throat, leaving her to bleed out. The siege in Hold broke out after that and the whole party was determined to find their friend and even hopefuly save her life something that they did. The party hated Nemo after that, esecially Thorismund.

Nemo had took a contract for the party for a reason unknown to them. She killed Karim, Kappamund and Najjar but Ailwyn, the party's new addition, managed to slow her down enough and Seribra killed her.
Unsurprisingly, her people don't want her dead and she was restored to life. Still having to fulfill her contract she headed to the Trinity base in Petroksilia (will fix plz dont kill me i dont remmemvber english name) and awaited them there. She was instead greeted with Ailwyn, who was unfazed by her apperance there, Najjar who was awaiting inside and the pleasant news, for her, of the party's deaths by the white dragon Alabaster. Ailwyn, weirdly enough, managed to persuade her to help him retrieve their carcases. She later helped Najjar drive the broken Spelljammer in the mountains, down to the Trinity base. In that ride, Ailwyn saw her weep. The reason why, remains unknown to him.

In Dorn Thurim, when Ailwyn's new friends where in trouble, he reached out to her, alongside Eliot, in Holt and asked for the Black Lotus, a most potent of poisons, to kill Aylin Alqualira. She handed it over with much hesitation. When she was latered summoned as witness in Ailwyn's trial to testify he was in Holt, rather than Dor Thurin, she came and was quickly imprisoned for disrupting the court of law. Ailwyn knew she would not leave from there alive and so broke her out and run away with her, away from his and her troubles.

Nemo, in that act, lost her pact with her deity.
Lunamene seems to hide them both from the eyes of their pursuers.

After Najjar's deah, she made a pact with Prince of Forst, so that the young elf's soul would be allowed to pass on.

Side Appearances

Nemo had sent a drow, Dyvill, to spy on the voyage Lord Edgar Sangradroid and his wife Annelise (?)Loran would do near the Fort of the Sun(?). There he met up with Farron Alqualira. Since he failed to deliver on his mission, Nemo captured them both, tortrued them for days and then sent them off to hunt down a man in Silent Basin. The man turned out to be a retired Dragonrider(insert name). Farron, instead, after realising they could not do the job, set the man's village on fire, and directed the target's wrath towards House Despett.
Current Status
Hiding with Ailwyn near Dorn Thurim
Current Location
Female (originally Male)
Bright Red with heavy eyelids.
Long, wavy and silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dusty blue with hints of grey
1.70 m(?)


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