Imposing Warrior Template

There are currently three generic Draelish templates one can play as in the world of Vaxus, with each one focusing on different playstyles and traits that a Draelish may exhibit. The first template, called Standard Draelish, is considered the default choice and is designed around a balance between Essence and Martial features. The second template, the one featured here, is called Imposing Warrior, and focuses on martial abilities and the natural strength all Draelish possess. The third template, called Skilled Duumarel, is designed to represent the different forms of Essence the Draelish can wield.  

Gameplay Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Draelish are known for their Strength and Constitution, exerting great physical force and having high resilience at the cost of lower flexibility. You increase your Strength and Constitution ability scores by 2 each, but you decrease your Dexterity ability score by 1.
  • Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. You are also considered a Wand for any prerequisite or effect that requires you to be a Wand.
  • Size. Your size is Medium. Draelish are taller and heavier than other humanoids, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging over 250 pounds.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Drael and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your character, such as Regional (a catch-all term for the region's main language, also known as Common in 5e).

  • Core Affinity. You have resistance to the damage type associated with your Core Affinity.
  • Affinity Attribute. You have a special trait based on your Core Affinity.
  • Kaleidoscopic Form. Draelish possess innate characteristics and features, with both sexes showcasing a different level of design in their biology. Choose one trait listed below to represent whether you are deskan/male or neyun/female, with each one highlighting certain traits of their sexual diamorphism.
  • 1. Vicious Kick. (Deskan/Male) You can Shove as a bonus action a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). When you Shove in this way, on a hit, your opponent also takes 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage, in addition to the normal effects. You recharge all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
  • 2. Fierce Determination. (Neyun/Female) You can Dash as a bonus action a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). When you Dash using this trait, you can move through an opponent's space, and any opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage. You recharge all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
  • Stubborn Endurance. You can attempt to push through where others have failed. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • Essence Wielder. Draelish wield the powers of creation in their most destructive forms, utilizing them for combat and, if crafty, other uses as well. You gain a number of Essence Charges based on your proficiency bonus, and can use them to activate one of the abilities listed below, sharing the same charge pool. You regain all expended charges on a long rest. The DC for your Essence Wielder abilites is equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.
  • Scornful Rebuke. Starting at 3rd level, as a reaction when you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of you, you can expend one Essence Charge to release a wave of essence in retaliation. Creatures within 5 feet of you must make a saving throw according to your Core Affinity. On a failure, they take 1d6 Affinity damage and are additionally knocked prone if they are no more than one size larger than you. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not knocked prone. This damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level.
  • Imposing Presence. Starting at 5th level, a presence all Draelish possess begins to take shape. As a bonus action, you can expend one Essence Charge to let out a shrill roar, followed by an infrasonic whoosh! Enemies within a 15-foot radius centered on you began to feel intense pressure, becoming nauseous. Until the start of your next turn, the first attack roll against each of those enemies who could hear you has advantage.
  • Curse of the Shr'keldar. You have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed by Dragons.

Roleplay Traits

  Below are additional traits called Talents and Restrictions that players and GMs can use when playing as a Draelish or Wildling or planning out an encounter. Designed to be more roleplay-centric in order to inspire the use of lore, players and GMs are encouraged to go beyond these traits when playing by using their knowledge of the world for problem solving. When playing as a Draelish, you must choose at least one Restriction of your choice. You can also pick up two Talents of your choice for each additional Resitriction you pick up beyond the initial one (For those who have played GURPS 4e and are familiar with Advantages and Disadvantages, this has been designed with that in mind).     Restriction: Bulky
  • You have a harder time squeezing into smaller spaces (the Squeezing rules can be found in the PHB, page 192). You must spend 4 extra feet for every foot when moving inside a space that requires you to squeeze. If you are wearing heavy armor, you fail to move into the space unless your GM has you make an ability check or saving throw (the GM determines the DC).
Restriction: Hardline Traditionalist
  • You have an innate resistance to change, especially when it comes to innovating technology or moving away from old customs. You have disadvantage on any ability check that involves understanding new forms of magic, tinkering with advanced machinery, or when convincing another Draelish to change or completely disregard a long-held tradition or way of life.
Restriction: High Metabolism
  • Though you are naturally good at regulating your body temperature and can run with an extra burst of speed, you are not as efficient when traveling over a long period of time. You have -1 Stamina Points but when you dash, you can move an extra 10 feet.
Restriction: Intrinsic Opposition
  • If you are a Kasniska/Sankara and are in relative proximity to a Sankara/Kasniska, make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you feel compelled to either disregard them completely, act haughty or spitefully, or become angry.
Restriction: Intraspecies Dependency
  • You gain disadvantage on all Charisma saving throws when you haven’t been around another Draelish or clan in more than a month. If you roll a critical failure on any Charisma saving throw while the Restriction is active, you immediately gain this Long-Term Madness for the next 1d10 hours: "The character feels compelled to repeat a specific activity over and over, such as washing hands, touching things, praying, or counting coins, especially in regards to a familiar activity." If you are without contact with another Draelish or clan for over a year, it is considered Indefinite Madness unless cured.
Restriction: Unusual Physique
  • Due to your unconventional form (such as having additional appendages, a tail, or wings), armor costs and weighs 1.5x more than normal when made to fit you. Armor already made to fit a standard-sized humanoid must be resized to fit you, costing 0.5x its base value to adjust it to your physique.

Talent: Carnivorous Stomach
  • You can eat cuisine that others may find unappetizing or difficult to stomach, including bugs and raw meat (but not rancid). [Draelish have no qualms about eating the flesh of other creatures, though it is generally frowned upon to eat the flesh of a sentient, especially that of another Draelish. Typical Draelish meals include spicy curry, savory snacks such as salted bugs, or pungent, meaty stew.]
Talent: Duma's Law
  • Essence fills you, protecting you from the Wilds and its interference with your Aspects. You experience no innate consequences for journeying through or living in the Wilds, but can still be affected by its Surges. [It is notoriously difficult for Hearts to travel across vast stretches of land or sea without encountering adverse effects, with most travel between the Northern and Southern Continent being nigh impossible because of it. Draelish, on the other hand, have far less difficulty.]
Talent: Lifeblood
  • You can detect the direction of any area infused with Essence within 6 miles of you, and you can identify the potency (if it is a Spring, Pool, or Hotspot) when you are within 3 miles of it. If you are a Draelish, you only need 6 hours of sleep in order to gain the benefits of a long rest when you are within this area and a clan is not already present.
Talent: Low-Frequency Detection
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing if you are trying to detect the distance and/or direction of a large seismic activity such as an earthquake, volcano, tsunami, large thunderstorm, an approaching army, a roaring waterfall, or other sources that emit infrasound.
Talent: Relentless Spirit
  • If you would take Exhaustion due to a spell, a magical effect, or natural circumstances, you can choose to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw with advantage. If you pass, you do not take a level of exhaustion, regardless of the initial effect or natural circumstance. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Talent: Rudimentary Tools
  • If you have natural weapons, such as a beak, fangs, talons, or claws, you can use them as makeshift tools, such as when digging or carving. You gain half proficiency when making an Ability Check when using your natural weapons if it makes sense to use them in the scenario provided.
Rook Turnaround by Sam Santala
Note: The Rook Turnaround piece featured above by Sam Santala is not related to the Draelish, though it was used as inspiration for the Draelish anatomy commission and is one of the few pieces of art that showcases speculative biology for dragonkin designs.  

Variant Templates

This page features another kind of Draelish that you can play as in Vaxus. Below are various other Draelish Templates.   Generic Affinity-specific Click here to return to the Draelish Ancestry page.

Cover image: Falindrith by Sam Santala


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