
Long considered nothing more than murderous pests by many on Golarion, goblins dwell on the fringes of other societies, scavenging amongst their waste and building their society in squalor. With simple societies and a zeal for life, they often seek reckless glory for themselves and celebrate their heroes through song and spoken tales of epic deeds, however embellished. Though weak on their own, goblins often gather in huge numbers to overwhelm their enemies.  


Goblins are not much larger than the pigs they like to chase. A typical goblin is a short goblinoid standing about three feet tall with large, flat, bald heads, scrawny limbs, and long ears. Their skin tends to be leathery and in hues of green, grey, or blue, often wrinkled and covered in tiny scars, warts, and scabs. Goblins grow little, if any, hair, relying on their thick skin and huddling together in groups to keep warm. They have small, beady red eyes set close together over a little pug nose, above a hideously wide mouth lined with sharp little teeth that they constant grow and shed. Goblins often dress in rags and scraps cast off by other humanoids and bear coarsely cobbled-together equipment.   Many humans and similar races find it hard to distinguish goblin genders, though they do possess reproductive organs. Excessive weight is considered a sign of beauty among female goblins, with the ideal of goblin sexuality being an obese female barghest.  


Goblins mature rapidly, reaching adulthood in seven to eight years. They can live up to 50 years, though most goblins die from their reckless lifestyles before the age of 20. Goblins' extremely high level of energy comes from both their accelerated metabolism and dangerous lifestyles. Their fast metabolisms make goblins eating machines stricken with almost constant hunger; fortunately, goblins can subsist on almost anything organic. They love salty foods, especially pickled food of all types.  


Goblins have a near-pathological fear and hatred of horses and dogs, most likely due to the mutual hatred displayed by these animals. Goblins are, in many ways, defined by their fears—not just of dogs and horses but also of humans, and even their religion is based on fear of their gods.   Goblins love to collect treasure, but value appearance over utility. Thus, a shiny but worthless trinket is valued over a powerful but ugly magic item. The exception is goblin chieftains, who often possess the wits to make use of such items—if they can remember where they've been stashed. Their love of shiny treasure means that goblins are also a common sight in the refuse pits and junkyards of non-goblin settlements throughout the Inner Sea region, where they scavenge for items they can craft into weapons and other interesting tools, a task they are unusually proficient in.  


Goblins rarely build their own structures; they prefer to use terrain and natural defenses to their advantage, often settling in areas of heavy undergrowth, easily defensible caves, and ruins. They rely on scavenging for most of their sustenance and are gifted at surviving in even the most hostile climes.   Goblins gather in tribes of up to a few dozen, led by a chieftain and sub-chiefs who are simply the toughest individuals in the group. They keep numerous mounts in their settlements, typically wolves, worgs, and goblin dogs, but never ponies, horses, or dogs, as they have an intense fear and hatred of these animals. Goblin camps tend to be raucous places of song and laughter as their inhabitants prefer play over work.
Geographic Distribution