Don’t adventures ever have an end I suppose not
Someone else always has to carry on the story

"Don’t adventures ever have an end? I suppose not.
Someone else always has to carry on the story."

Menace Under Otari

Something is wrong in the small, quiet fishing town of Otari - some creature is stealing all of the Otari Fishery's fish! When a group of local adventurers set out to investigate, though, they discover that there's far more to the story than first meets the eye. And a place known as Undertown.


Troubles in Otari - Chapter 1

The party ventures to the Otari Hinterlands to check out a possible living space at an Abandoned Fishing Camp, only to find that it is already occupied.


Founder's Day

The much anticipated Founder's Day Festival has arrived, but it is not a happy celebration for all.


Ruins of Gauntlight

Something dark awakens within Gauntlight Keep, signaling an ancient threat thought dead.