Session 8 - "The Toll Collectors, Trouble in Otari - Part 1"

General Summary

Springtime, Fireday, 30th of Gozran, 4721 AR
Three Days Until the Festival
On the Road to the Abandoned Fishing Camp
Zor'ahn's boar slashes him with a tusk but continued attacks have no effect. The ranger than blasts the creature with an impulse of wood, wounding it badly. He attempts again, but misses. He also remembers that boars can become enraged and even more dangerous when nearly dead. Tristan pulls out a healing potion and quaffs it. Kaliff moves up to Tristan and quickly treats his wounds in battle. Ehrn follows suit and then disembowels it with her glaive, looking to have ended the beast, but it suddenly enrages. Kalitos slashes out with his blades, nearly ending it, but it also goes into a fury. He tries again to put it down, but misses.   Zor'ahn quickly recalls that while enraged the boars required substantially more damage to end it. He relays this to the party and summons another tree. Tristan slashes his smoking sword against boar's hide, flaying more meat from bone. Kaliff fires an electric arc at the second boar, but it doesn't even singe it. It rages at Tristan, but blindly and misses the fighter entirely. With its thrashing, Ehrn is unable to land a blow. The first begins to savage Zor'ahn and his tree friend blocks part of the blow. In symphany, Kalitos brings his blades across the monster, finally bringing it down. He quickly makes his way to the last boar.   Moving forward as well, Zor'ahn summons another tree to protect Tristan, who presses his attack to no effect. Kaliff fires a phase bolt, but misses wildly. He instead quickly patches Zor'ahn's wounds. Still in a frenzy, the boar lashes out, but the tree intervenes and then withers. Ehrn dances her glaive around the pig and Kalitos fires an electric arc at it in exasperation, finally ending the battle.   9.03a
The party attends to its wounds and Zor'ahn butchers the pigs before pressing on. They continue down the overgrown path, which begins to dip down at an angle into a small canyon with walls about 10 feet high. The path continues downward until the walls are about 20 feet high, giving Kalitos a concern for possible ambush. Bending back to west, the walls soar to 30 feet. Zor'ahn summons a ladder and quickly climbs up to the top. He notes that they are in a heavily forested area with this canyon running in it.   9.23a
The path begins to bend again and the walls rise up to 40 ft. Around the bend, the walls recede slightly until another bend is reached followed by another straight path.  
Following another bend, a goblin comes into view. He holds a horsechopper, a glaive type weapon favorited by goblins. He tells them that they keep the road beyond clear and safe and that they must pay 20 gold to use it. Quickly looking, the party sees that wall Zor'ahn has been walking along is 35 feet tall and the outer wall is about 60 feet. The adventurers look at each other and advance forward.   Kalitos readies his bow in preparation of additional targets. Zor'ahn summons a bow and misses, but calls down that they have numbers. The goblin counters that they will take the gold off their dead bodies. Ehrn rages and suddenly charges at the him. Flakes of frost follow her glaive as she nearly cuts him in two. Tristan moves to pair up with his wife, looking around for more opponents and notices a handful of goblin tracks on the path.   Kalitos moves forward, switching out his weapons, and Kaliff quickly follows him. Above, Zor'ahn moves forward, looking down into the canyon, before taking cover. Ehrn advances forward, followed by Tristan.   Kalitos takes position beside Tristan, while Kaliff moves behind Ehrn. Up top, the ranger climbs over a boulder and continues forward. Ehrn and Tristan advance, Tristan stating that he hears more boars.   Kalitos and Kaliff continue with their positions. As he advances, Zor'ahn hears the snap of bow as a goblin fires upon him, embedding an arrow in his shoulder. He moves on the little beast and kicks it close to the edge. Spying the figures, Ehrn moves up, as does Tristan who raises his shield. Suddenly, he nearly trips on a barbed wire, but he is able to catch himself from falling. A goblin instantly lashes out at him from the nearby bush with its horsechopper, asking him if he would fancy one less eyeball. Tristan snaps his shield up and absorbs most of the blow. In the same motion, he knocks the goblin off balance and it turns and begins to climb. Another goblin fires down on Tristan and an arrow slams into him. Still another fires down on the fighter, but misses wildly.   Kalitos and attempts an electric arc, but the goblins easily avoid it. Kalitos tries to daze one, but it has little effect. Zor'ahn kicks his opponent again and the beastie plunges down the canyon and slams into the ground. The ranger suddenly manifests a large chunk of wood, but the goblin commando rolls away before it hits him. Ehrn charges the climbing goblin captain, just catching the back of his legs, opening up a deep wound. She follows through with another strike. Tristan advances on the fallen commando and runs his smoking sword through him. The badly wounded captain resumes climbing up the wall and makes it to the edge. One of the archers pops up and fires down on Ehrn, striking her, as does the second one.   The brothers move forward. Kalitos throws frostbite at the captain, killing him, his corpse tumbling down at Ehrn's feet. Kaliff fires a phase bolt at the first archer, nearly felling him. Zor'ahn manifests a longbow and fires at the same commando. It slumps to the ground dead. Ehrn begins climbing up the canyon wall as does Tristan. Seeing his predicament, the remaining commando runs away.  
Report Date
15 Apr 2024
Primary Location