
Oozes are a classification of simple, strange mutable creatures usually existing in an amorphous state. Despite their appearance, they are not necessarily primitive creatures; however, most are basic life forms with low intelligence and little more than an instinct to feed. In Darklands slang, oozes are called "sloppers". Most oozes are composed of a material known as protoplasm.   Slimes, molds, and other oozes can be found in dank dungeons and shadowed forests. While not necessarily evil, some grow to enormous sizes and have insatiable appetites.  


Sewer Ooze
Sewer oozes are artificial creations composed of living detergents. They were first devised by an alchemist to deal with the most stubborn stains, but have since escaped into the wild. They are instinctively attracted to filth, hence their associations with sewers. A city with a population of sewer oozes finds them a mixed blessing—although they do improve water quality and the smell of the streets, they occasionally eat pets and vagrants, as well as posing a hazard to any sewage workers that cross their path.   A sewer ooze’s body is comprised of an emulsion of different liquids, some caustic, others slick, a few sticky, and usually have a greenish-brown appearance. They are buoyant, and typically float on the surface of the water, where they are easy to mistake for detritus. They consume all manner of organic material. A sewer ooze can live indefinitely on fecal matter dissolved in their environment, but they seek out novel flavors and attack living creatures that cross their paths. As they are slow, sewer oozes usually attack from ambush and cover enemies in sticky acids before closing into melee.   Despite their association with filth, sewer oozes do not smell bad; instead, they have a faint antiseptic odor. Like many oozes, they reproduce by fission.