Session 9 - "Welcome Home, Troubles in Otari - Part 2"

General Summary

Springtime, Fireday, 30th of Gozran, 4721 AR
Three Days Until the Festival
On the Road to the Abandoned Fishing Camp
Finally able to catch their collective breath, the party begins enjoying healing grapefruit summoned by Zor'ahn, and Ehrn begins attending to Tristan's wounds. Looking out, a broad expanse of water is finally visible and they know they are finally getting close to the fishing camp.  

The thick forest begins to thin before the trail opens onto a long stretch of a coarse gravel beach, the shining blue waves of the Inner Sea rolling beyond to your south at their highest tide caress the cove gently. The soft symphony of the seaside serenades your soul. The scent of farewell fur trees and beckoning beach roll up into an aromatic assonance as it collides with the cliff rising gently along the beach’s northern edge. As you take a deep inhalation, your eyes glide from the salty sea to the buildings just before you. "There it is!"   Quickly looking about, it appear that the goblin threat doesn't appear to have extended to this region.   The Fishing Camp
The largest building is a wooden house on weathered stilts and there are three smaller out buildings, which all have a rundown appear. Despite this, they still appear to be in relatively good shape and structurally sound. The party begins to fan out and investigate the buildings. The smaller structures appear to be storage sheds with the largest of the three smelling of smoke and putrid fish. A sludgy, noxious material pools on the floor hints at what remained of a catch. Zor'ahn ponders why the fish would have been left to rot like this. Did something drive the fisherman away, and if so, what?   The smaller buildings are secured with rusty padlocks, which open with the key Tamily provided. The first small outbuilding houses fishing gear neatly stowed away.   10.13a
While beginning to investigate the second smaller structure, Ehrn hears a bubbling sound as the sludge suddenly begins to ripple and heave in her direction. She calls out a warning to the rest of the party. Tristan rushes forward and swings his smoking sword through the viscous mass, which appears to have an effect on it. A second mass surges forward, suddenly joins with the first, and then pops out in front of the fighter. Taking advantage of sudden opportunity, he carves through it with his blade. The hit was most palpable, but doesn't seem to have quite the anticipate effect. A wave of viscous filth suddenly spews forth from the first sewer ooze, catching Tristan with its blast. The noxious substance covers him and the area around him, making for a slippery foothold. Yet another ooze is discouraged and unleashes yet another wave of offal, but this time missing him as he dodges from it. Zor'ahn moves up, summons a large stick, and proceeds to lay into one of the sludges. Leaving the stick to be absorbed by the mass, the dark ranger slams his hands into the sand and summons a small palm tree. From his position, Kaliff fires out an electric arc. It singes one, but seems to be useless against another. Kalitos advances on the third ooze and swings his sword at it, igniting it with a ball of flame on contact. Ehrn suddenly charges the one taking her husband to task and blows her glaive through it, leaving a small wake of ice crystals in its path. Another filth wave is spewed out coating everyone save the brothers. Tristen's target begins swinging out at him with quickly forming pseudopods, but it widely misses him.   Tristan jabs forward with his blade and scorches his enemy to death. The group is almost overwhelmed by another wave of filth after which Kalitos is attacked but not struck. Summoning a giant oar, Zor'ahn slams it into the third ooze and it instantly discorporates. Pushing past his revulsion, the magus savages the creature nearly to death. Kaliff summons a void warp that finally ends the slimy threat.   The party sets to cleaning itself up and eating healing figs summoned by Zor'ahn.   10.23a
After noting more fishing gear within the second storehouse, the group turns its attention to the main structure. The front door is slightly swollen with humidity, but still easily opens. A small kitchen is revealed with cabinets and drawers pulled open, pots and pans and dishes strewn about the room and floor. A hallway goes further in to the east and there are two closed doors also to the east and south. The sound of the ocean is still audible from inside.   Tristan once again uses the key on the south door, but the door itself will not budge, as if being obstructed by something within. He peers at the crack below the door and sees a thick webbing chocking the space. To the east is a small pantry with only empty sacks and broken crockery.   Proceeding down the hallway, they find a long passage with several doors down its length. The first room proves to be a bedroom with battered furnishings. Out of the corner of his eye, Tristan spies a colorful feathered, winged serpent the size of a small snake hovering in a corner of the ceiling. He slowly closes the door again so as not to disturb it. He relays to the rest of the group his findings. Zor'ahn finds it nearly hard to believe, but what the fighter described appears to be couatl, a good natured being. The size is remarkably, but then he recalls the scalliwing, which is much smaller than their cousins.   Tristan opens the door again and steps inside. The creature flutters and issues a slight hiss. It then speaks in a dry, whispering voice, "Who are you? I am Olli." The fighter introduces himself and greets the serpent warmly. Olli replies in kind and asks are not her wings are bright and magnificent. Tristan replies that they are so. Conversation continues as to why they all are there and Olli bristles with the fact that a spider-thing is on the premises. After clearing up some confusion as to who the property belongs to, Olli says that there is a man-spider and its pets occupying the area to the south. She again asks their interests in the camp and is pleased to learn that they wish to drive off "her" trespassers. Zor'ahn ponders and believes the creature described might be a web lurker.   10.33a
Speaking together for a moment, the party decides to continue clearing the area paying special attention to signs of the web lurker. Before proceeding, Zor'ahn leaves a sweet fig for Olli who gives her thanks. The next door has a paper tacked to it stating, "Finley's Room - leave 'em be" that appears to be in Tamily's hand. Tristan opens the door to reveal a sparse bedroom with a blue, chilly cast to it. The straw mattress is rotten and the appears of that of general neglect.   Suddenly, a pale wispy form of a ghostly woman appears and Tristan quietly closes a door. A quick meeting is called as to what to do with the current inhabitants and what Tamily might have known about them.   10.43a
Continuing, the party comes to a junction with another hallway to the north, several doors in the immediate area, and appears to be another hallway further to the southwest. Moving into the northern passage, the first door is checked and found to be unlabeled and unlocked. The room appears to have been used as a mudroom with empty cabinets and cupboards. It further supports the thought that the camp was being used seasonally by fisherman and hunters. Zor'ahn quickly pings the room with detect magic, but finds nothing of note. The last door in the hallway opens up into a bedroom, as does the next door back in the open area.   10.53a
Within the open area is another door that leads to another small, disused room. Looking down into the south-western corridor shows cobwebs lain strewn about. Three other doors are also visible down its length. The first door opens into a squarish foyer with a door to the outside with hooks and shelving for hanging coats and shoes. To the east is an office with a battered oaken desk and cabinets. The lone window is broken with the shutters askew, letting in some of the late morning sunlight. There is no detectable magic.   11.03a
Searching the desk produces some business ledges for the camp and writing instruments. Within the cabinet is an ironbound chest bolted within, as well a first-aid kit containing 4 antidotes, 2 healing potions (minor), 2 healing potions (lesser), and a healer's toolkit (expanded). The party distributes the antidotes and potions before moving on.   11.13a
The western door is locked, but is openable with the key. Inside is a large living space chocked with cobwebs and mostly hidden chairs and tables. Additionally doors are visible to the north. Back in the hallway and further down are two doors that lead back to the cobwebbed room. Another door and alcove are found. Within the next room are more cobwebs with tiny spiders that was once a dining room. No detectable magic. The last door in the alcove appears to connect to the suspected ettercap infested area.   After quaffing the newly discovered antidotes, the party moves back into the open juncture and prepares to open the doors. Throwing them open, they find what was once a bedroom entangled with webs. Tiny spiders run and scamper about, but a threat isn't immediately obvious. Zor'ahn summons a 10 foot pole and hands it to Tristen, who begins prodding the masses of webbing. As he is doing so, the fighter discovers a piece of webbing near the floor which stands out and appears to be pulled taunt like a tripwire. It appears to connect to a noose-like strand that is at head-level.   The tripwire disabled, Zor'ahn creates poles for the rest of the party, and they then begin to systematically use them to clear away the webbing. Kalitos then suddenly notices that the door to the western wall is open and alerts everyone. Ehrn rushes around the corner and sees a web lurker taking off down the southwestern hallway.   Kalitos carefully makes his way to the open door in the room and sees that the door to the dining room is now open. Stepping up to the magus, the ranger finds two large, hideous spiders with blue bodies and banded legs perched within the webs on this side of the room. Kaliff moves into the room and channels an electric arc into the large arachnids. The web lurker turns to the barbarian, steps forward, makes a sucking sound, and spits a gooey, weblike substance in her direction but misses. It lashes out at her with its fangs, but they only chew on the empty air before her. The first giant spider shoots a web net at Zor'ahn, entangling him, following up with scuttling to him and ripping into him with its fangs. Another spider appears at the doorway to the west and spits webbing at Kalitos, missing him wildly. Still another spider climbs over this one and enters the room, also missing Kalitos with its attacks. In the hallway, Ehrn rages and falls on the ettercap, slicing into it with her glaive. She withdraws from it and maneuvers back into the room and alerts the party to the creature. Tristan steps forward to a spider, activates his smoking sword, and draws a fiery line of pain across its body.   Kalitos channels an ignition into his spellstrike, nearly felling a spider. He spins with his main-gauche and embeds it into one of its eyes, ending the monster. Zor'ahn summons a large tree which sprouts up from the floor and then extends his pitchfork, nearly killing another one. Kaliff flings cold iron needles at the same target to finish it off before stepped into the room further. The spider on Zor'ahn attempts to savage him, but the tree intercedes on his behalf and deflects its fangs. The other spider entangles Kalitos before moving up and masticating him. Ehrn steps up and lashes out at the same spider, but it proves to be too nimble. Kaliff spots a giant spider the size of a pony skuttle into the room from the east. Tristan strides to intercept it and immediately separates limb from body. Another spider of the same type begins to round the corner.   Kalitos falls into an arcane cascade stance, but it is unable to land a dual-pattern strike. Zor'ahn strikes out at the spider with his weapon, landing a blow. Kaliff moves to line up the spiders and grim tendrils fly from his outstretch palms and lash out at them. One of the spiders slices him with its fangs, but he is able to shake off the poison, however he is still gravely wounded. The other spiders continue to attack Kalitos, but he is protected by one of the trees. Ehrn tries to counterstrike, but is unable hit the weaving body.   Tristan slices into the nearest spider, killing it as well. Taking a moment to find his calm, Kalitos recharges his spellstrike and skewers his enemy in a precise, flaming strike that causes the monster to quiver and fall to the floor.  
Report Date
21 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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