
Scalathraxs are slippery, scaly horrors that dwell in remote cave networks in the Darklands, preferring to nest in narrow fissures. When on the hunt, they flick barbs from their long legs, or spray down their foes with a clear, toxic oil. The same oil coats the scalathrax's body, all of which is quite flammable—whether it's coating a victim or the scalathrax itself.   While a scalathrax appears feral, it's more intelligent than it seems and is capable of speaking in a wet, slithery voice. The vast majority of scalathraxes are foul-tempered and quick to anger, and most of them enjoy killing. It's possible to forge an alliance with a scalathrax, but doing so requires either constant bribes of new creatures to kill or a particularly intimidating personality—scalathraxes often respect bullies, seeing in them a mirror of their own cruel values.   A scalathrax constantly sweats a glistening oil that makes it exceptionally slick.  
Scalathrax Oil

Bulk 1;

Scalathrax oil is a valuable alchemical component, but it's difficult to harvest and preserve. By spending 10 minutes and succeeding at a DC 21 Crafting check, a character can extract 1 Bulk of scalathrax oil worth 20 gp from a recently killed scalathrax. If scalathrax oil is used to Craft an alchemical item that deals fire damage or would benefit from the slippery quality of the oil, the crafter gains a +1 item bonus to their Crafting check. Scalathrax oil can be used as lantern oil, though it's often considered too valuable for such a mundane use.

Geographic Distribution