Session 14 - "Ruins of Gauntlight - Part 1"

General Summary

Toliday, 4th of Desnus, 4721 AR
The Graveyard
  Tristan slashes out with his Smoking Sword, swiping through animated bones, before raising his shield. Kalitos spellstrikes with an effective acid splash against a zombie and summons his arcane cascade, globs of acid washing over him. Zor'ahn finishes it off by impaling it with a shaft of wood. The first skeleton claws out at Tristan, but the attacks only screech on his shield. The second skeleton lands one claw on Kalitos. Kaliff fires a phase bolt at the third skeleton, which smashes into it, breaking off some shards of bone, before moving around the group. Ehrn drops her glaive and draws a mace before nearly smashing the walking bones apart. It returns kind, but the tree intercedes on her behalf. A second zombie begins making its way to the group. A fourth skeleton joins the fray moving straight at Zor'ahn. Yet another moves upon the ranger. A third zombie shambles upon Kaliff.   Tristan's smoking sword shatters the first skeleton to pieces before striking against the second one. Kalitos steps to his brother's aid, launching a full out attack, nearly ending the zombie shambler. Zor'ahn slaps his hands together and summons another tree, this one appearing tainted by the corrupted earth. He summons a spike of vital energy and drives it into the fourth skeleton. The skeleton lands a strike against Kalitos, but the tree jumps in between. Kalitos again moves away from the front and stiches cold iron needles into his zombie attacker. Ehrn brings down her skeleton and moves to flank with Zor'ahn, her eyes blazing a frosty, blue glow as she says, "Let's dance, elf," bringing her rage to bear against the shambling corpse. The shambler to the north reaches Kalitos and smashes into him with one fist, the tree interceding one last time. The skeleton to the east of Zor'ahn begins to viciously lay into him. The skeleton between him and Ehrn always launches a brutal attack against her.   The shambler lays Kalitos low before moving on towards Tristian, who strikes it down in return. The fighter turns on a skeleton and scores a blow. Zor'ahn focuses his ire on the creature that attacked Kalitos and blasts it with bolts of positive energy, finishing it off. The skeleton on Tristan flails about ineffectually. With a wail, Kaliff falls to his knees and quickly patches his brother. Ehrn crushes her skeleton to splinters before moving on to the next. A skeleton lashes out at the ranger but misses. Kalitos shakes himself to wakefulness, stands, and groggily lands the Sparkblade.   The party can feel the hairs on their arms and necks standing on end as the radius of the blue glow begins to condense and shrink, however the intensity feels to be growing stronger. Tristan pressing his advantage, shatters his skeletal foe before turning on the last one. Zor'ahn smashes into the old bones with a falling tree branch, finally ending it.   Through a break in the wall, the Exterminators spy another battle taking place where shards of brightly colored light rip through the undead by Wrin. The priestess Vandy is also within the fray wielding a scimitar. To the north, another cadre of undead advance on the guards. Kaliff quickly attends to Zor'ahn's wounds. Ehrn pulls forth a healing potion, quaffs it, smashes the vial and takes off towards the second battle site. Kalitos moves with the barbarian and flings a telekinetic projectile at one shambling husk.   The blue light suddenly coalesces on Kaliff, Zor'ahn and Tristan. An eriee feeling passes over them as if the oxygen has been sucked out of the area. The ranger suddenly hears a voice smash into his head, "No!" and the hand holding the Rosa Argentus nervously releases it. Without a thought, Tristan immediately begins lashing out at the spider, which flinches away from the smoking blade. The spider sprews out a toxic oil catching Kaliff as Zor'ahn and Tristan jump out of the way. It catches Zor'ahn with one burning, acidic strike and he succumbs to the poison making him clumsy. He fumbles for the Rosa Argentus out of the mud as he scrambles backward. He looks at the blade curiously before summoning a spear of wood to pierce its side. Kaliff calls out, "Um, brother," before stepping back and lashing out with grim tendrils which scores its sides and open up bleeding wounds. Ehrn stops midstride and suddenly charges across the graveyard towards the spider. She smashes her mace into it with a shower of frosty sparks. Kalitos also reverses and attempts to ignite the monster.   Tristan continues pressing his advantage as the oil on the creature is partially ignited by his smoking sword. The spider rips into him with its maw, but his shield is able to absorb some of the blow and knock it off-balance. But he still feels the poison take up in his blood. It tries for him again and then moves around him to the southwest. Zor'ahn begins to feel his limbs grow heavy as he slows. He attempts to tap into his newfound strength of shadow, causing a volley of spikes to slam into the beast, the effort seemingly to cost him. Kaliff warps the void around the spider, hurting it only slightly. Ehrn once again charges the abomination and slams her mace into its body, nearly imploding its body. She lets out an exultant, "EXTERMINATORS!"   Wrin and Vandy join the group as the guards clear out the rest of the graveyard. Vandy attends to their wounds as Wrin looks over the spider monster. Wearily, she looks to the north and intones, "The Gauntlight has awakened." Wrin announces that a number of dead had made way its way into the streets, which the guard pursue, but unfortunately a number of festival-goers have been killed. Disgusted and fascinated she states that this is a scalathrax, an abomination typically found in the Darklands. They are supposed to be foul-tempered and enjoy killing, with it being possible to forge alliances, making them not completely mindless. It raises the possibility that it may have been working with someone, or something.   Wrin asks if Kaliff detected anything when it appeared and he confesses that he felt it was teleported in, something she agrees with. Vandy eyes the artifact in the ranger's hand, saying that it looks like he put it to good use before requesting he return it. She begins examining his shadowy black arm, which draws Wrin's interest as well. Zor'ahn admits he feels "hungry, but focused", which causes Vandy to give him a sad look, stating that it's a Mark of Nhimbaloth, an affliction called the "Empty Death" that originates from the Void. She asks if it hurts which he confesses it does not. He returns the blade to her saying that he only had it to make sure it wasn't despoiled. Zor'ahn then turns to his friends and says that he will be unable to rest until he can clear the mark from him, a path they are more than willing to join him on. Wrin says that they will not be acting unaided as something must be done so that the dead do not rise again. The Exterminators decide to retire for the evening at the Dawnflower Library before making their way to the Gauntlight. Wrin states that she will be joining them as well.   Dawnflower Library
The party begins to settle for the night and Kaliff attends to repairs and researching their new threats. What he learns about the scalathrax reaffirms what Wrin said, but that they are also usually found with a mated pair or in groups up to about five. Also, the oil of the scalathrax is a valuable alchemical component, useful for fire and slipperiness.   While pounding out Tristan's shield, the sorcerer learns that Nhimbaloth is an Outer God from the Dark Tapestry is what he already knows, but little more is found than it being called the "Empty Death" and opposed by Gozreh, apparently because the dark god's presence can infect nature itself. A story talks how the god has influence over a large swamp called the Mushfens in the southern part of Varisa where the very laws of nature have begun to breakdown and powerful will-o’-wisps that feed on the despair of travelers. The story ends with that Nhimbaloth's worshippers have written down prayers and rituals in a tome called "the Whispering Reeds".   Kaliff likewise examines Zor'ahn's Mark with fascination. His intuition is that it was some sort of curse, however this initial impression now feels too "basic", there is something more going than just a "simple" debilitating curse, like it is a piece of a ritual to unlock something else. A brief reference to a key? It also almost has a tendril, tattoo-like appearance The ranger admits that he has never felt this level of clarity and the sorcerer admits that one can be surprised on how well they see in darkness, hinting at his own affliction. A phrase begins teasing in his mind,
"The wind, her voice."
  but it is fleeting and vague. It finds himself muttering it indistinctly in a strange language under his breath.   9.00a
The light rain continues through the evening and the party wakes to Vandy informing that several townspeople more were killed during the night by the rampant undead. She also confides that she met with Mayor Menhemes who sends his thanks on behalf of the town and that he supports their cause and offers what aid he can. Wrin admits that Franz even saved some townspeople from a horde of undead.   Making their way to Wrin's Wonders, the party receives 5 holy waters, 1 lesser healing, 2 minor healing   Gauntlight Keep
The sound of frogs and mosquitos mixes with water sloshing against muddy shores, all muffled by the ever-present mists that ling in the aptly named Fogfen. As the mists clear, a shadow looms from the cloying swamp vapors- a sprawling ruin of stone and wood squats atop an island in the soggy marsh. The upper floors have largely collapsed, leaving only the stone walls of the ground floor intact. Above these ruins towers an out-of-place monument- a colossal lighthouse whose painted walls and iron-cased crown have resisted the corrosive effects of the surrounding swamp.   The once large and imposing wooden front doors of the keep are rotten with gaping sections, the interior just visible beyond. As the Exterminators ready themselves to enter, Wrin is suddenly confesses that she is unable to bring herself to enter because of her extreme claustrophobia. She pledges to remain here as a sentry, to which they nod their thanks and understanding.   Moving in, the party hears a high, feminine voice from above them in Undercommon, "Welcome, heroes, welcome to my parlor. Watch out for the mean bugs and we suggest the magic pixie mud, it is very tasty."   Kaliff looks to examine the cobwebs chocking the area. Above them the strands are quite thick and he notices there appears to be a hidden a series of ropes and little pieces of wood bound within serving as a walkway. The chains near the walkway look to be have be tampered with and Zor'ahn summons forth planks of wood to reinforce the questionable integrity of the bridges. As they pass, Tristan touches his sword to the webbing and sets them alight. As the flames reach near the ceiling, there is a screech as a small blue-skined goblin-like fey creature leaps to the ground, its clothes on fire. Suddenly, to the southeast, Ehrn hears the sound of scurrying as two other mitflits climb a vine attached to the watchtower.  
Report Date
17 Jun 2024
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