Session 10 - "The Exterminators, Troubles in Otari - Part 3"

General Summary

Springtime, Fireday, 30th of Gozran, 4721 AR
Three Days Until the Festival

  The Fishing Camp
One of the giant spiders on Tristan disgorges a sticky mass of webbing and spits it at him multiple times, missing him widely. Another attempts the same tactic, but is unsuccessful as well, and then moves up. Zor'ahn infuses the shape of a sword and swings at the spider on Kaliff, but the webbing interferes with his attacks. The web lurker moves cautiously into the room and flashes out its fangs, but Tristan snaps his shield into place and absorbs most of the blow. With an extreme display of fortitude, he overcomes the effects of the creature's poison. The giant spider still in the room turns on the ranger, but one of his trees interposes and absorbs the blow. It tries again, but is still unsuccessful. It scuttles in frustration up the wall to the room. Kaliff puts more distance between him and the spider and masterful attends to his wounds. Another spider skitters in and moves towards Kalitos. Ehrn quickly patches up Zor'ahn, then moves up and scores a hit on the spider on the ceiling. Tristan turns on the ettercap, slashes it deeply, and closes one of the doors to the room.   Kalitos attempts to strike out and escape from his webbing, but fails miserably. The web lurker appears to give orders to one of the giant spiders outside the room and it enters. Tristan lashes out with his Smoking Sword and makes it pay for that tactic. It plunges its fangs into the fighter, but to little effect. Another spider comes in after but its attacks are ineffective. Zor'ahn summons still another tree by Kalitos and blasts the spider on him with wooden spike. Capering about on the floor and walls is the ranger's shadow, but it does not correspond to his actual actions. Yet another spider enters the room to the west and climbs the wall above Kalitos and attacks him, but the tree blocks it. The ettercap claws Tristan, shredding his flesh. However, he is able to get his shield up to ward off its fangs. The lurker than steps away. Ehrn's opponent spews a mass of webbing at her, encasing her, before moving back to the floor before attempting to fang her. Kaliff fires an electric arc that scorches one spider to death, but has no effect on the other. Two spiders attack Kalitos, but neither are able to land a blow. Ehrn swings her glaive at her spider, misses, attempts to escape and does not. Tristan lashes out with his sword and slices deeply into the last spider on him and it curls in its death agony.   Kalitos takes a moment to recharge his spellstrike and lances an ignition fueled strike, nearly cutting it down. Zor'ahn fires a spike at the same spider impaling it. The spider above Kalitos drives a fang deep into him leaving him mortally wounded. It moves against Zor'ahn but is not as successful. The web lurker flees and leaves the house. Ehrn's foe slashes with its fangs, but the poison is unable to find purchase. Kaliff screams his brother's name and rushes over, masterfully apply healing to his wounds. Ehrn ends her foe, but is still unable to break free. Tristan rushes at the remaining spider burns a wound into is abdomen.   Zor'ahn fires a spike but misses. Kalitos thrashes about as he returns to consciousness. The spider launches itself at Tristan and he is able to snap his shield up between them, but is unable to entirely stop the attack. Narrowing his eyes, Kaliff fires cold iron needles that stiches into the spider with Ehrn following immediately after with a skewering blow, finally ending it.   11.24a
The party takes a moment to patch their wounds and plan their next moves. They decide to talk to the ghost Finley and finishing exploring the area before returning to town to talk to Tamily . Opening the door to the room they do not see anything immediately other than a faint blue cast. But within moments, the ghostly form of a young woman materializes. Zor'ahn calls out her name and asks why she is here at the camp. She first appears uninterested in communicating, but then she gives a mournful sign which rattles the shutters in time. She slowly moves to Tristan to sits on the bed. He moves to give her space.   Finley speaks of her grandmother, Elizabeth Findley, a well-traveled Pathfinder of some note, who would upon her return regale the young girl with her own tales of adventure. Such stories enchanted the granddaughter and made her long to follow in the women's footsteps. The opportunity arose, sadly enough, upon the grandmother's death when she was gifted the her sword. Findley always intended to put it good use, creating her own stories of adventure, but never was able to become a hero after she tragically drowned. When asked where the sword is, Findley looked around, leaned toward Zor'ahn and said she hid it underneath the floorboard. Asked what happened to her grandmother, her face lights up in a smile at the pleasant memory. Asked if she was stuck because the sword never got used, she acknowledged it was. Zor'ahn explained to her that she needed to move on.   11.44a
Kalitos finds the loose floorboard where he finds the Sparkblade and 120 sp. With Kalitos promising to use the blade in her grandmother's honor, Findley calls the party true adventures and that her grandmother would be pleased to see it used so, and then fades away.   Moving out the front door, Zor'ahn nearly falls through the rotting deck, just barely catching the edge. He fills the hole and begins following the web lurker's tracks and trail of ichor. The trail enters the forest, but it is very thick and wild and it becomes very obvious that the creature took to the trees.   Immenwood
A faint trail is found amongst the thick foliage.   2.54p
The ranger feels like they are getting close and that it is not moving as quickly as it was before. He even finds a spot where it may have rested. Suddenly, webbing shoots out from the shadows and envelopes Ehrn. A giant spider emerges and spits more webbing at Tristan but misses. Webbing also shoots out at Kalitos ineffectively. Still another spider emerges southeast of Kaliff misses with its spew. The web lurker comes into view from behind a large rock and points a claw at Zor'ahn and waves him over in a taunting manner. Kalitos quickly moves behind the ettercap. Kaliff advances and casts phantom pain at the lurker, but it doesn't have the full desired effect. Ehrn gives a mighty effort and breaks free from her silken bonds and then goes into a rage. Tristan moves up to the spider that engaged him. Zor'ahn steps forward, manifests a spear and thrusts it into the ettercap's side, ripping through flesh.   The sound of something large begins breaking through branches to the north. Tristan's foe strikes at him and misses and attempts to move away. The fighter lands a blow before it attacks Zor'ahn, who succumbs to its poison and becomes sickened. A spider to the east traps Kaliff in webbing and moves on him. The second spider to the southeast advances on Zor'ahn and entangles him as well before moving forward. The web lurker continues making its unnerving clicking sounds as it sprints ahead to the north. Kalitos gives pursuit. Kaliff arcs electricity into the surrounding spiders and attempts to break free. Ehrn charges but is unable to engage her target. Tristan moves to assist Zor'ahn and strikes a blow. The ranger manifests a bow and begins launching arrows at the web lurker, but is unable to land a shot.   The gravely wounded spider lashes out at Tristan, but he raises his shield in time. Kaliff's spider bites him deeply, poisoning him. His spider and another begin scuttling towards the north. The web lurker stops and lashes out at Kalitos, spewing webbing and immobilizing him. In a desperate attempt, he fires the Sparkblade but the arc falls short. Kaliff void warps and finishes the spider left behind. Ehrn rushes forward as does Tristan. Zor'ahn breaks his bonds and follows as well.   One of the spiders moves away from Tristan and he scorches it with his smoking sword. The spiders and the web lurker continue to flee. Kalitos suddenly sees something colorful flash in the woods ahead of the ettercap, causing it suddenly to change direction to the west. Something large continues moving through the forest but is still aways away. In a final enraged attempt, Kalitos draws his shortbow and spellfires a shocking grasp into an arrow. It slams into the fleeing web lurker's back, finally electrocuting it. Looking to the north, however, a gargantuan spider moves into view...
Report Date
28 Apr 2024
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